Chapter 3: The 1st day

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    Tom had been awake since 7 in the morning, having been one of the first to the great hall for breakfast, and the first one in Snape's classroom near the dungeons.

 Snape had yet to arrive, so Tom merely took out his Defence Against the Dark Arts book and read. Gradually, students did begin to arrive as well, those not of Slytherin staying well away from him. That was until he saw Nott arrive in the classroom, sitting right next to him. Zabini was right after, sitting next to Nott. 

     The room got gradually louder, until Tom had to put his DADA book away. As soon as he did so, Snape came storming into the classroom; 'Silence!' he called, before turning around before his desk at the front. 

     'There shall be no foolish wand-waving in this classroom'. He began. Tom payed keen attention to the Professor, who could not help stare back. Snape gulped, before turning to the rest of the students. 

       'I do not expect many of you to appreciate the subtle science that is potion making...but to those who posses the predisposition'. Snape stopped. Looking toward Draco and the Slytherins around him; 'I can teach you to bottle fame, brew glory - and even put a stopper on death'. Snape had caught Tom's full attention by now - glory and a stopper on death sounded brilliant. 

     However, Snape - having caught Harry doing the unforgivable activity of note-taking in a classroom - sneered. 'Seemingly, there are those in the classroom who have talents so formidable that they feel they needn't pay attention'. Hermione nudged Harry, who caught Snape's gaze. By now, the room had focused all their attention on the two. 

     'Tell me, Potter - what would I get...'. It was by then Tom stopped paying attention. He didn't care for the ramblings. He liked Harry, but he cared not for his and Snape's pseudo-argument. Tom could hardly wait for defence against the dark arts still - he had it last. Shame it was with Professor Quirrell, who seemed to seep more awkwardness from his body than talent. He was pathetic, which made Tom thoroughly dislike him; Tom hated weakness. Despised it, even. Professor Flitwick for charms seemed far more capable, as he apparently used to be a duelling champion. Professor McGonagall who'd teach transfiguration - a most useful art for a powerful wizard - seemed capable too. She was his favourite professor so far; blunt and proper. 

     It was after Snape's bickering with Potter that he decided to actually teach. Taking out their potions book, they were all to conjure a potion of boil cure. Tom looked around, having found he and Hermione had been paired up. Tom frowned deeply, as did the bushy-haired girl in front of him. 

  Of course, they went together like water and oil when working with one another. Both wished for control - both wanted to lead the operation. Both thought the other was ruining it. It was lucky the two were intelligent enough to concoct a potion that satisfied the requirements needed, or they'd have done something similar to Neville, who melted a hole in his cauldron. Nevertheless, Hermione was red in the face at the end - severe anger Tom reckoned, as Snape had given him 10 points for Slytherin for the quality potion, and deducted Hermione 5 points from Gryffindor for being a 'horrible partner'. 

     It was at the end of potions class, that Tom and the other students went to transfiguration. Tom couldn't wait for it - he heard that people of N.E.W.T level could conjure up something from nothing. That sort of power gave Tom a wide smirk, which must've made him seem a little odd walking through the halls, smirking to himself; no one batted an eye though, as he was a Slytherin after all. They were always up to no good, apparently. Tom didn't disagree. 

     Entering transfiguration, Tom sat either side of Blaise Zabini and Theo Nott - the three of them thought it prudent, seeing as they all knew the other wouldn't talk. Tom liked that. He glanced around, however, at the noisy students. The lesson had begun, and yet the teacher seemingly wasn't there. Tom could see her at the front of the classroom, in her tabby cat-form. An Animagus, she was - he could tell. 

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