Chapter 2: The Beginning of a Year in Hogwarts

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     It had almost been a farce to go from the wonder of Diagon Alley back to Wool's orphanage. The dull sky and forever-stinking streets paid testimony to that. What a dull place to be stuck in. Yet, even with the dullness to which Wool's may give - today is a day the smog and fog feels to be not as bad as seemingly before. Finally, would Tom be rid of this bloody orphanage. Readied outside the front door with his trolly of suitcases and a cage for his owl - named Erwin -  as well as his now-pet snake Bruna, who slithered into his pocket the second he told her he was leaving - Tom headed down the cracked and wayward payment toward the local bus stop.

      The hour-long bus took Tom straight to central London. Within the skyscrapers, the hustle and bustle was not favourable, as Tom disliked too many people in one area. The vast sums of people made it difficult to navigate too, bearing in mind Tom hadn't a clue what King's cross station looked like. It was very big, and looked like some sort of European palace - that was all he knew. Then again, perhaps the complaining was too soon; he could see it as clear as day on a sign pointing down a street to his left.

     Coming out of the little street, it lead right to a gargantuan building of steep towers and red-brock. People spilled in and out of it in their droves. Inside was no different, Tom having to join a lengthy queue to process his ticket and allow him entry. Not too long after saw Tom fumble around with his ticket. He'd managed to get to platform 9 - however, the lack of a platform 9 3/4 was worrying. It went from 9 straight to 10. Tom frowned intensely - had Dumbledore tricked him? was this a sick joke. He'd have his head if so. 

      He looked around for help - the guard was already occupied by a black-haired boy of shabby clothing - so he was useless. That was until he spotted a family of redheads carrying the same things as he was. Walking up to them, he could also spot the Hogwarts logo on one of the boy's trunks. The mother was frantically rushing the children toward the wall that separated platforms 9 and 10. Sending two of her children off, they ran toward the wall. Tom frowned, before walking up to the family. He soon noticed the shabbily-dressed boy was standing with them. 

     'Excuse me, Mrs. I was wondering about how I'd get to platform 9 3/4?' he asked. 

     'oh, dear - of course! a first year too I presume' she said.

     'yes, Mrs'. 

      'what's your name, dear?'

      'Tom, Mrs - Tom Riddle'. The lady smiled at the boy, before ushering the eldest son forward.

       'Well, then - Percy, of you go dear. Show them how it is done'. The boy in name ran head-first toward the wall, before disappearing completely. 

        'Alright, Harry - you best go next'. The shabby boy, Harry, too sprinted at the wall. He disappeared as Percy had.

        'Tom, dear - you too'. She put her hands on his shoulders softly, guiding him toward the wall. The boy kept his trolly steady, before running straight toward the wall. He closed his eyes, waiting for his head to slap the hard brick; yet, he felt no such pain. In fact, he felt nothing at all. He opened his eyes to find another platform entirely, where the Hogwarts Express bumbled and blew steam, raring to go. Tom hurried inside, leaving his trolly of belongings to a gentleman near the front door. He kept the first year Defence Against the Dark Arts book, however. 

     Bruna slithered up Tom's torso and onto his shoulder, as the boy searched for a compartment along the train. Finally, having searched the entire first carriage, Tom spotted an empty compartment. A lucky find, bearing in mind that almost everywhere else was full. Taking out his first year defence against the dark arts book, Tom read adamantly. The spells which would provide him with such brilliant power would begin in this book. A thought that excited the young Tom greatly. 

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