3. every. single. one.

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It was from Satoru. He was the one who gave you those flowers. How did he even know where to bring them? All of the possibilities had cycloned in your mind to pinpoint the solution. There were thousands of apartment buildings in Tokyo. How the fuck did he know the one you lived in? You honestly wouldn't be surprised if he had tortured it out of Ijichi since he was the only one who knew the exact building you lived in. Then it hit you.

Of course.

The other day he had asked you where you were staying. At the time you didn't think much of it but he was planning this the entire time. That man really was something else. It was sweet but at the same time the way that he found where you had lived based on a small piece of information was a bit extreme. It was a lot of trouble to go through when he could've just given them to you in person.

With the note still in your hand you read the writing over again. The handwriting was surprisingly cleaner than you thought it would be, each stroke from the pen being as perfect as can be. You wondered what was going on in his mind throughout the process. Did he just write that as a quick little note or did it take some extra courage for him to do? Was this something that he did for someone like Nanami when he came back to being a sorcerer, or did he only do this for you?

As you were still reading over it, you heard a knock coming from the door. Once you opened it, the short haired girl who was in the lobby earlier was holding a box out for you while having a clipboard in her arm. "Hey, this package arrived right as you went up, so I decided to deliver it to you personally," she said handing you the package.

Reading the shipping label, the package was the one from Utahime. The package had seemed a bit heavy, but the box itself wasn't too big. "Thank you so much for bringing it up." You were about to wave her off but the question of how exactly he was able to get the flowers to your apartment had still lingered in your mind. "By any chance do you know how the other package was delivered to the complex?" You ask while you have the box around your arm.

She took out the clipboard and checked off that the package was delivered. "Well, this guy brought them in a few hours ago and asked if you lived in this building. I assumed that it was the package that you were expecting, so I let him drop it off. If you ask me, he's quite the package himself. You were already able to get a boyfriend wrapped around your finger after only being here for a couple of days?"

The suggestion that Satoru was your boyfriend had caught you off guard a bit. Also the fact that she found him attractive had irked you slightly for some reason, even though you knew that he was indeed very attractive. Not to say that you had a crush on him, but it was literally a fact that he was extremely handsome. The look of shock was planted on your face for only a moment longer before you shook it off and continued with the conversation."Oh um no, he's just someone that I work with. Besides, relationships aren't really my thing," you reply. The thought had still lingered on your mind. The what-if of the situation.

Not really about him, but the idea of being in a relationship in general. It wasn't that you felt like you didn't deserve that feeling, but you knew that it didn't exist. There was no way that a person could give their whole life to another simply because they felt safe around them. Relationships were just false hope that would send a person into a state of sorrow, because at the end of the day there was a small chance that it would ever work out. Even after years of being together the bonds that held a couple together were fragile and could break unexpectedly. That's why you decided to have your fun without ever having that connection with anyone. There was no chance of a bond breaking if it didn't exist in the first place. But what if that weren't the case? Was there anyone capable of sharing a life with you?

While you were still lost in your thoughts she sighs. "Oh, I'm sorry for assuming. Well, either way it was really nice for him to do. You should try and talk to him more often." She looks around for a moment, before continuing. "I have to go back down to the lobby, but it was good talking to you again." As she waved goodbye to you while walking down the hall, you closed the door.

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