!! juju stroll: 9 to 5 !!

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!!pls read chapter 5 before reading this !!

this is in like a 3rd personish pov , sorry if it doesn't make sense

Halloween 2013

"Gooooddd morning everyone and happy halloween!!" You said as you walked into the main floor of the office building. There was a lot of business that had to get done, but it was also halloween so you had let your staff wear costumes and even bring in their pets. As for yourself, you were wearing your normal pantsuit except you added cheetah print ears along with a matching tie.

"Good morning boss," most of the room replied. As you looked around the room, everyone at their desks had seemed to have at least a little something on for the holiday. It was nice that everyone was comfortable enough to do that instead of the office being all gloomy.

Smiling at your employees, you get right to talking. "Sorry for having you guys here an hour early, but we have to finish this project today so once it's done you are free to enjoy your halloween and have the day off tomorrow. I know a lot of us are going to need the day to recover." That last part mostly refers to yourself as you were having an insane halloween party at a club later on.

"I've also ordered lunch for all of you so that should be here around noon!" All of the workers had seemed to be happy at that as their faces started to light up. "Okay, everyone now let's get to work! The sooner we finish the sooner we're off for the three day weekend!"

As you walked closer to your office you slightly rubbed your head. "Damn, I really need some coffee," you said to yourself as you felt a headache start to form.

"Well, I have the solution right here," you heard a voice say along with the sound of an iced drink shaking. It was your friend coming into work with your favorite iced pumpkin spice latte.

Once she had handed it to you, you smiled. "Thanks Naomi, you're the best!" Taking a sip of the coffee you continued to make your way to your office before you heard a small bark from across the floor.

One of your other coworkers was walking towards you with a golden retriever on a leash. The blonde puppy was wearing a suit and tie as it had made its way to you. "Looking good there boss! I emailed you the work I've completed but before you get to that I think Panini here wants to say hi."

Picking up the puppy, it let out a small bark as you hugged it and started petting him. "Awww you're so adorable aren't you nini,"you said to the dog as you gave it a cute little nickname. At that moment, you started to look more at the features of the puppy. The blonde hair, suit, and nickname made you gasp. "NANAMI! IT'S NANAMIN!!" At that, you held onto the puppy even tighter and spun yourself around.

You took out your phone and started to take some pictures with the puppy while doing different poses. While that was happening, your coworker who was the puppy's owner was looking at you a little confused. "Um, who is Nana mean?" She asks, looking between you and your friend. You were too distracted to notice her look.

Your friend lets out a chuckle at her comment. "Oh, he's one of her other best friends from Japan!"

"Oh I see, I keep forgetting she went to high school there."

She nods. "Mhm, they seem like they're really close. I surprised that she hasn't-"

Before she could continue, you stood up and interrupted them. "I have some serious business to take care of, I'll be in my office if anyone needs me." You carefully placed the dog on the floor and gave it a last little pet before walking to your office.

"And the documents?" She asks as you walked away.

"I'll get to that before the day ends, don't worry. However, this is my priority right now," you say before closing your office door and heading straight for your computer.


an hour later : Tokyo, Japan

It was already night now but Kento Nanami was still sitting on his desk while staring at his computer. Once again, he was working overtime alone because of the insane amount of work he had. Oh how he hated working overtime. He was already so drained from the week and still had to come back into work in a few hours.

As he checked his email to see if he had any more details about what he was working on, he saw an email notification that was slightly surprising to him. Out of curiosity, he opened the email and read what it said.

Happy Halloween Nanamiiii!

It's been a while since we've seen each other but I'm looking into collaborating with a company in Tokyo so I might visit within the next couple of months. Hopefully this will cheer you up a little bit. Just try not to overwork yourself, okay!

After reading the email he saw that you had signed the end with your name, but when he looked down at the screen more there was a piece of media attached to the email. The moment he opened it a video started to play. It was a slideshow of pictures of you and a puppy in a suit. With each image there was a funny caption and the whole slide show had the chorus of 9 to 5 by Dolly Parton playing in the background.

Usually when someone did anything like this he would be annoyed. Things like that were silly to him and most of the time it would make him roll his eyes. However, once the video had ended he smiled. A rare phenomenon for a serious man like himself. Not only did he smile, but he also let out a small chuckle.

He then reached into his back pocket to take out his leather wallet. Searching the folds of the wallet, he found what he was looking for and held it in front of him.

It was a polaroid of the three of you.

The photo showed you, him, and Haibara on a bright sunny day all smiling together. He saw that the smile on your face in the photo had reflected the smile on your face just now. It made him glad. Glad to see that even after all of these years his friend could still have the same joy that they had when they were young.

Letting out a sigh, he carefully placed the photo back in his wallet and replied back to you. He would put it on his desk but he didn't want it to get lost. Shutting down his computer, he gathered all of his things and walked towards the elevator.

Maybe he will go home and get some rest. Besides, there was always tomorrow.

Author's note

Hey everyone!! Yes this is inspired by that one gravity falls scene hahaha. Also i'm gonna be really busy this upcoming month so chapter 6 might take a little while. Happy Hallloweekend everyone and I'll see you next time <3

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