Beach day ☀️🌊

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After 2 years of seeing Pierre at almost every race the Leclerc and the Gasly family became very close, "Boys hurry up the Gaslys are waiting",Hervé says trying to hurry the boys up, "Do we have to wear these swim trunks papa they look girly", Arthur says fed up, "Yes you do, all of yous children are wearing matching bathing suits", "But why papa", Charles says annoyed, "Because the Gasly brought them so you will wear them to show your appreciation of this thought full gift" ,Hervé says with a sharp tone, "Well I like my bathing suit" you say cheerfully, "Thank you Beatrice, Boys try being like your sister for once please", After arguing for 10 minutes about the bathing suits the Leclercs finally make it out the door

"Hey Everyone" you say before hugging all of the gasly family, The boys greet everyone while trying to hide the fact that they are feeling very embarrassed by their bathing suits, "So guys do you like the matching bathing suits we got you", Pascale G says, "I love mine", you say giving everyone a spin so they can see the whole bathing suit, "What about you boys", she says staring at them, "Yep there great", Arthur says trying to hide the lie in his voice, "There very nice thank you", Charles says while faking a smile, "I like mine so much", Lorenzo says as tries to hid the fact he thinks their hideous

Everyone walks to the beach and while everyone else is slow walking Pierre and you sped walk so yous can get in the sea quickly,"Hey wait for me", you say as you try to catch up,"You snooze you loose",Pierre says cockily, Just as he finishes talking he stops as he walks into a pole after turning back to talk to you, You quickly walks in front of Pierre trying to hide your laughter as you mock him,"You snooze you loose"

Finally after what feels like an eternity the adults make it to the beach meaning the kids can go and swim in the sea,"Be careful",Pascale L warns the children,"We will maman",the boys reply,"Ok Mrs Leclerc", Pierre say kindly, You and the boys race into the water and as soon as you get in you begin to splash the boys causing them to splash you back, Everything this going great until you try to swim after a colourful fish you saw and gets caught in a riptide as you starts to get dragged out Pierre can see the panic in your face so he rushes to you and tries pulling you out causing you to go under the water where you struggle to resurface, Luckily Pierre's older brothers come over and help him pull you out, once they help you get to shore you hug Pierre and cling on to him out of fear, Seeing the commotion go down all the parents ran to the shore where they saw a terrified Beatrice cling on to an out of breath Pierre.

Your parents immediately thank Pierre's brothers for saving you and they go over to you and hug you tight, After your all deal you swore to never go into the sea again, Once the lifeguards gave you the all clear you had lunch then You, Pierre, Charles and Arthur decided to bury Jean-Jacques who was peacefully sleep and then you sat on him and refused to get off unless he brought you ice cream which he agreed to do as having 4 children sit on him was very uncomfortable, You spend another hour at the beach before heading to get ice cream

"So what ice cream flavours does everyone want", Jean-Jacques asks, "What flavours are there papa", "Well Pierre there is Vanilla, Strawberry, Chocolate, Lemon and Lime, Caramel, Toffee or mint chocolate chip", "Wow that's a lot I don't know what to get", "Beatrice what would you like", Jean-Jacques asks you, "Can I have vanilla please", "Of course, boys have you made up your minds yet", "Can I have strawberry please","Yes you can Charles", "Arthur what would you like","Can I have Chocolate please","Ok and Pierre what are you having","I don't know there's a lot to choose from and they all look so good","Ok well I'm giving you a minute and if you haven't chosen then I'll choose for you","Can I have Carmel and toffee please","Yes now all of yous go sit down will I order please", You and the boys walk over to the table and sit down

"I think it's very boring that you went for vanilla Beatrice", Arthur says ,"Yh Bea you need to try different flavours","No thank you Charles, I like vanilla so I get vanilla",
"I don't think I've seen you order any other flavour though","I think it's nice you have a set flavour because that means you will like your ice cream every time  you order it","Exactly thank you Pierre"

"Here's everyone's ice creams", Jean-Jacques says as he puts all the bowls on the table, "Mr gasly", you ask,"Yes Beatrice, is everything ok","Yes but do you think its boring to eat the same flavour of ice cream every time","No I think it's smart because you will know that you'll definitely eat it and you won't waste your money,"See you two are wrong, no one else thinks it's boring","Ok fine sorry we said your boring but you should at least try and other ice cream, flavour once in your life","Thank you for the ice cream, mr gasly","Your very welcome Beatrice",
"Thank you for the ice cream", Charles and Arthur says at the same time,"Your very welcome boys", After all the children had there ice creams you headed home
Everyone says good bye and Pierre gave you a tight hug and a quick peck on the cheek that didn't go unnoticed by your brothers

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