Accident 🏥🩹

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You and the boys are getting ready to go to the park, "Charles do you have the sandwiches",You ask him,"Yes and I've packed the juices", "Arthur have you finished the salad yet", "No I can't find the salad spoon to mix it", "Seriously you don't need a salad spoon to mixed it, Just do it with your hands", "Ok", "No wash them first please", "Oh sorry", He walks over to the sink and washes them

"Beatrice,Pierre is here", Pascale calls you,"Hey Pierre, How was your flight here",you hug him,"Its wasn't too bad thanks", He hugs you back, You finish packing the bags for the picnic and then you walk to the park while Pierre rides his skateboard, You get the park and sit down on the bench where you put the bags, You watch Pierre and he does a really hard trick on his skateboard

"Wow that's cool", you say watching him,"Do you want to try", Pierre asked, "I don't know", you say hesitantly,"It's only a skateboard", Charles says sarcastically,"I know but what if I fall and hurt myself", you say worried,"Then we'll laugh at you", Arthur says laughing,"Don't worry Bea I won't let you hurt yourself", Pierre says reassuringly,"Ok then"

He helps you get on but it's keeps wobbling,"Please don't let go", you say a bit panicked,"I won't let go until your ready",After a few minutes you get your balance,"Ok I think I'm ready","Are you sure", Pierre double checks,"Yep I'm sure",Pierre let's go of the board, You skate on the board and copies what Pierre does, Everything's going well until you start to sped up,"How do I stop you say staring to panic","Put your foot on the floor", Pierre says trying not to laugh, But before you could, you crashed into Pierre running over his toe and getting thrown off the skateboard

"Ow my toe", Pierre says as he limps holding his foot,"Beatrice are you ok", Lorenzo says concerned,"No you say with tears streaming down your face","What's wrong", Charles says feeling bad for laughing,"My wrist i can't move it, I'm in to much pain"you say holding your wrist, Charles calls Pascale L who asks what happened,"There's been a little accident","What do you mean a little accident","Well Beatrice decided to try and ride Pierre's skateboard and it turns out Beatrice is a bad skateboard driver as she couldn't stop In time and ran over Pierre's toe and got thrown off the skateboard now Pierre is holding his foot limping and Beatrice is sitting on the floor holding her wrist crying","Ok I'll be there soon"

She hangs up and about 10 minutes later she pulls up at the park,"Bea what happened","I hurt my wrist mama", you say crying,"Are you ok Pierre","Yes but my toe is hurting a lot, I just hope that Beatrice is ok",You guys get into the car and Pascale takes you and Pierre to the hospital , After an hour of waiting your sent to the X-ray room where you sit next to Pierre clinging on to his hand, "I'm sorry Pierre", you say sadly,"Hey it's not your fault I shouldn't have let you ride the skateboard, hows your wrist","It's killing me, Hows your toe","In agony" he says laughing ,"Do you think you'll still be able to kart","No I don't think I'll be able to kart for a while"

After the doctor X-rays your wrist and Pierre's toe he comes back into your room to give you the results ,"Ok so Pierre your very lucky you only have a toe fracture all you'll need is to have your toes strapped together for 2 weeks and you be fine but not sports for 4 weeks to let it fully heal", "Ok thank you "he says trying to hide his disappointment knowing he will be missed races
"Unfortunately Beatrice your wrist is worse, You've broken your wrist so you'll need a cast for 6 weeks and you can't do any sports for 8 weeks","Are you joking" you say annoyed, "I wish I was", The doctor says, "I need to go now but I'll send a nurse in to strap Pierre's toe and do your cast Beatrice", "Thank you", you say trying to hide her tears, "Thank you doctor", Pierre says annoyed

The kind nurse puts a cast on your arm and straps Pierre's toes, After she's finished you and Pierre go home where your greeted with signs that say sorry about your wrist and sorry about your toe, which was made by Lorenzo, Charles and Arthur
"Aww thank you guys", You say cheerfully, "We wanted to make you guys feel better after your accident", "Well we appreciate it a lot", Pierre says smiling, "We also felt kinda bad for laughing", Lorenzo says feeling guilty, "Don't worry it's all good", You say, "Yh if the tables we turned we would have probably laughed at you guys too", Pierre admits, "Can I sign your cast please", Arthur asks, "Of course go get a pen, Arthur gets a pen and signs his name and draws a smiley face, "Can I sign your cast too please", "Yes you can Charles"," Charles takes the pen and draws the Ferrari logo and signs his name

That night you keep waking up due to being uncomfortable due to the cast
It takes a few tries but you finally find a comfortable position, Your parents go into your room the next morning to wake you up and find your arm wedged between your headrest and the wall, "Oh poor Bea", They wake you up and you go downstairs for breakfast, "I couldn't sleep mama it was so uncomfortable", "Maybe we could give you multiple pillows and you can try and rest it like that instead of wedging it between the headrest and the wall because that doesn't look safe", "I can't wait until I get this stupid cast of, It's going to be a long six weeks"

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