Finally together 🥳🥳

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Pierre's POV
On FaceTime to Anthoine
"Todays the day", "Todays the day for what", Anthoine asks confused, "I'm going to ask Beatrice to be my girlfriend", "Finally", "What do you mean finally", "I know you don't want to jump into things quick but Jesus you took your time", Thank you for the support", "Your welcome", "Have you asked her brothers if you can officially be her boyfriend if she says yes", "What do you mean ask her brothers", "Oh I was just thinking if I had a sister I'd want the boy to ask me if her could date my sister", "Please tell me your joking", "I'm not", "And what do you mean by IF she says yes, you don't think she will", "No she definitely will", "I hope your right", "Well all jokes aside I'm really happy for you I've been the biggest BEAIRRE shipper", "The biggest what", "BEAIRRE it's your ship name", "Our what", Pierre says confused, "When you ship someone you combine there names to make their ship name, So BEA for Beatrice and IRRE for Pierre", "Oh, BEAIRRE, it has a ring to it, just don't call us that in public", "I can't promise anything", "Please Anthoine", "Fine, How do you plan on asking her", "I'm taking her to a sun set picnic and asking her then", "Did you get her a gift", "Yep", "Oh sooooo what's the gift", "I'm not telling you yet", "Why", "I'm leaving it a surprise", "Ok well I hope everything goes to plan for you", "Me too Anthoine, Me too"

Beatrice's POV
"Amelie I'm so nervous", "Why", "I don't have a clue what to wear", "For what", "My date with Pierre tonight", "Another one, Girl you two need to get together already, We need PITRICE", "What are you talking about PITRICE, It's your ship name, PI as in Pierre and TRICE as in Beatrice", "Oh I don't know about that it's sounds like your having a stroke", "Well thank you Beatrice", "I don't want to jinks it but I think he might be asking me to be his girlfriend tonight", "OMG you better say yes If he asks then yes I will", "Hey I've got a weird question", "What is it", "Is Pierre's friend single", "What Anthoine", "No the other one, The cute one", "Oh you mean Esteban"
"Yes, even his name sounds cute", "I'm not sure, Maybe, I'll go ask Charles", "CHARLES COME HERE", "Geez, why are you shouting Beatrice", "I've got a question", "Yes Amelie wants to know if Esteban is single", "Yes he is why", "She things he's cute", "Really Beatrice Shut up", Amelie says embarrassed, "What it's nothing to be ashamed of", "I know but i don't want everyone to know", "Whose everyone All your brothers", "You say all like I have ten, I only have 3, Pierre has 4", "Still" , "I've got an idea", you say before rapidly typing on your phone, "Done", "What do you mean done", "I've booked you a date with Esteban for next week when he's in Monaco", "YOU DID WHAT", "I helped you now, is there something you would like to say", "Thanks but I could have done that myself", "Oh honey don't lie to your self your a procrastinator it would have taken you weeks to do it", "Am I done here or", "OMG Charles haven't mum and dad taught you it's rude to interrupt people", "But you'd finish talking", "Why are you still in my room get out", you says shewing him out

You get ready for your date and go into the kitchen to find your mum, "Where are you going dressed like that", "I'm going on a date Enzo", "A date but it's already 8pm", "Yh well it's a night date", "Urr no I'm talking to mum and dad", "Go ahead they know", "Well I think you look very nice", "thanks Thur", "See Enzo that's the kind of response I expected", "Hi Boys", Amelie says pouring herself a glass of milk, "Uhh who let her in", "Excuse me Enzo don't be rude", "But she here like every single day Bea, Like don't she have her own family and house", "apologise to her now", "Say who", "Says me", "well your younger then me so I don't have to listen to you", "Ok", "Ok?", You go up stairs run down and put something in the microwave, "If you don't say sorry your nice and new raybans are getting roasted", "WHAT GET THEM OUT NOW", "NOT UNTIL YOU APOLOGISE", "Yeah apologise Enzo", "Shut up Arthur no one's taking to you", "Uh you didn't no just disrespect my FAVOURITE brother", "Excuse me, I thought I was your favourite", " Shut up Charles I'm not talking to you", "Ok so I'm going to get pascale cuz this is getting out of hand", Pascale runs in to find you all shouting at each other, "Hervé can deal with this", "Do I have to", "Yes if you guys don't stop arguing I'll get Jules to come down here and tell you guys off", After he says that you all stop arguing "Ha ha Jules would never shout at me"

You here a knock at the door and your greeted by Pierre, "Ok I'm going on my date by everyone", "Bye Bestie", "Wait she's staying here", "Yes Enzo don't worry she going home tomorrow", "Tomorrow, I want her to go home today, Now if possible", "Ok well I have to go now", "Bye
You walk out the door and walk to the beach holding hands with Pierre
When you get to the beach you see a beautifully set out picnic, "Is this your mums fancy picnic set", "Yep", "Omg how did she let you borrow this, it's super expensive", "Because tonight is super important",,"Really why", "You'll see"
You guys eat the picnic and once the sun starts to set Pierre turns to you and takes your hands, "Beatrice the past two years that we've been going on dates have been the best moments of my life since the first time I saw you all I've thought about it's how I need to be with you forever, So Beatrice fleur Noémie Leclerc, Will you be my girlfriend", "100% yes pierre", Pierre pulls something out his pocket
I got us a little something, "This is for you to wear"

You here a knock at the door and your greeted by Pierre, "Ok I'm going on my date by everyone", "Bye Bestie", "Wait she's staying here", "Yes Enzo don't worry she going home tomorrow", "Tomorrow, I want her to go home today, Now if possible", "Ok ...

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"And this is what I'll wear"

"Aww there perfect thank you my boyfriend", "Your welcome my girlfriend"

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"Aww there perfect thank you my boyfriend", "Your welcome my girlfriend"

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