Forgiveness is key 🗝️🗝️

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An hour after the race
The drive home was filled with an awkward atmosphere and the only noise was quiet sobbing coming from the backseat where you were sitting,Feeling sorry for you, Charles starts rubbing your back to try calm you down, "I'm so sorry Charles, I'm such a bad sister I missed your podium for my own selfish need", you say through your sobs, "Oh Bea your not a bad sister, I only came 3rd but why would you do that with Pierre, Amelie would be the first person in my mind to do that not you, your miss golden girl", "I don't know what came over me, god I'm so fucking stupid", "Your not stupid, you were in love and caught up in the moment, I mean I personally think the race suits are a good look", "Really Charles, your boosting your ego", you say laughing, "How mad do you think papa is", "Oh he is really mad but he'll forgive you", "how do you know that", "he always forgives you",  "your his little girl", "Thanks Charles you always manage to cheer me up".

A few minutes later the car stops and you realise your home, "Boys can you go straight to your room please and Beatrice go straight to the living room", You walk in to the living room and sit down on the sofa dreading what's to come, Your heart drops a bit when they walk in,"Mama, papa I'm very very very very sorry, I should never have said what I said it was out of order and you guys did not raise me like that and I should have been more sensible and respectful and I will never do that again and I understand if your disappointed in me and I understand if you see me as a disgrace to the Leclerc name", "Beatrice, we aren't disappointed in your and your are definitely not a disgrace to the Leclerc name, we are just very upset with you because what you did wasn't right and neither is what you said but we knew that you having a boyfriend would possibly lead to that but we didn't think it at that place or time, "I know and I'm very very sorry please forgive me", "Oh honey we will always forgive you, all of you your are kids, However we do need to talk about contraception because even though we love you and Pierre we don't want mini versions of you yet", "Yeah I understand"

After talking for a little while your parents let you go back upstairs, "So did they forgive you", Charles asks with a I told you so grin, "Yes they did, you can say I told you so later", You go straight to your room and you call Amelie, "Girl your finally calling me, I can't believe you did that", Amelie says trying not to laugh, "How did you hear what happened", "Anthione told Esteban and Esteban told me and now I'm telling you", "God I'm so fucking embarrassed", "You should be you scared poor anthione for life", "I know I need to get him a present", "how much do you know
All of it, but my question is why in the DISABLED BATHROOM, like disabled people have enough problems without abled body people using their bathroom as porn room", "I know ok we fucked up but I've already been lectured about it so can we please drop it", "Fine I'll drop it only because of the amount of second hand embarrassment I have for you is infinite", "So how are you and Esteban doing", you say quickly changing the subject, "Were doing good we have date planned next week, I think he's asking me to be his girlfriend", "Awww that's cute", "I know"

You hear a knock at the door so you go and answer it, "Who is it", "Its only me please let me in like right now" , Arthur says sounding kinda desperate, "Ok but why", You open the door and he slams it behind you, "ARTHUR LECLERC YOU EAT MY LAST COOKIE", lorenzo screams from downstairs, "Beatrice please protect me", he says clinging on to you, "Are you serious Arthur", "Please you'll be my favourite sister", "I'm your only sister but fine, NO LORENZO IT WAS ME SORRY I DIDN'T REALISE THEY WERE YOURS I THOUGH THEY WERE CHARLES", you scream so he can hear you from downstairs, "THATS NOT COOL BEA, GET YOUR OWN COOKIES", he screams back for you to hear, "I WILL NEXT TIME", you scream back, "STOP SCREAMING ALL OF YOUS IF YOU WANT TO TALK, TALK NORMALLY LIKE CIVILISED HUMAN BEINGS", Hervé shouts at yous, "Thank you Bea", Arthur says engulfing you a tight hug, "No problem little bro"

It's been a few days and the peace has finally returned to the Leclerc household
"BEATRICE", you hear Charles calling you, "Yes Charles",you say going into his room so you don't have to shout, "Can you help me with my homework it doesn't make sense", he says handing it to you, "oh that's easy, Question one Solve: -(-8 -3x) = -2(1-x) + 6x, ok Charles I'm doing to break it down into steps ok but you need to listen because I will not be repeating anything ok", "Ok Bea", "Step 1, Using BIDMAS find out what you need to do first", "Ok but what's BIDMAS", Charles says confused, "BIDMAS stands for Brackets, Indices, Division, Multiplication, Addition, Subtract, Step two, Solve the brackets first as it's the B is the first in the acronym and B stands forBrackets So, the equation should now look like this:8 + 3x = -2 + 2x + 6x, "You following", "Yes", Charles says while concentrating hard, "Step 3, Solve the indices as the I is next and I stands for indices the equation should now look like this:8x + 3x = -2 + 8x, Step 4, Plus 2 to both sides of the equation to get rid of the minus 2 on the left", "Wait if the minus is only on the left why do you have to plus two on the right", "Because Charles what ever you do to one side you must do to the other ok", "Oh ok got you So the equation should now look like this, 10 +3x = 8x! Step 5, Minus the x number on the left side of the equation So the equation should look like this 10 = 5x, Step 6 Find x, so when x is next to a number it means the number has been multiplied by x so you need to the opposite which is, "Division", Charles says confidently, "Correct So, 10/5 = 2, So x= 2, And there you go you have a nicely solved equation", "Thank you Beatrice thats helped me a lot", "Now just repeated all the steps I've told you for the 14 question and you'll finally 100% on your math homework"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09 ⏰

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