Jane Adler

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Actress: Meryl streep
Movie: it's complicated

Prompt: I'm Jane Adler's sister, y/n adler. Jane calls me one day, crying down the phone, something to do with her ex husband. I hated him. Jake. He cheated on my sister with a 27 year old bimbo.


"Y/n come round, please!" My sister says down the phone in an upset but rushed tone. "I'm on my way" I say and hang up, getting my trainers on and grabbing my car keys.

I get in my car and start driving to Jane's, thinking about what could possibly be wrong. She's planning for a house renovation, maybe that? Is it the kids? Jake? No it can't be Jake, she hasn't spoke to him in a good decade.

When I pulled up onto Jane's long driveway, I lock the car and walk up to her house, knocking on the door. She opens the door and pulls me inside. "Jane what on earth is the matter?" I ask as she paces around the living room. "Hey! Jane" I say snapping my fingers in front of her face. She stops and looks up at me.

"What's wrong?" I ask and she sits down with a frown on her face. "You know last week, when I went to new York for lukes graduation..." She says and I nod and sit down next to her. "well Jake was there and..." She laughs nervously. It takes me a second to realise. "What? OH MY GOD JANE"
I say, finally realising what she was telling me. "We had dinner together and some drinks, did some dancing and uhh...next thing I know I'm in his room" she says. "woah woah why did you even go to dinner with him in the first place?!" I ask.

"well I didn't mean to! I was sitting at the bar while I was waiting for my table, the kids were sorting out a graduation party so I was on my own...I saw Jake and he came over. He then told the waiter that he'll be joining me and that we can stay at the bar...next thing I know we were chatting away and drinking, eating and dancing and then...yeah" she explains.

"Jane he's married" i say. "AND he cheated on you, with a 27 YEAR OLD" I say and Jane groans and leans back, covering her face with her hands. "I know I know but we also did it here" she says and i jump up. "ewww" i exclaim. "Not right here, idiot, in my room but I don't know I'm confused, but I'm also happy, we haven't got any problems like we did when we were married" Jane says and you sit back down. "I guess there's some benefits...you did have him first after all" I say and Jane nods. "that is true" she says.

"Is it a good idea?" Jane asks. "honey you know how much I hate him, you need someone else's perspective on it" I say and Jane nods and sits back in her chair.

"But, theirs also someone else...my architect, Adam. He's so sweet y/n and caring for me" Jane says. "If he's nice, talk to him a bit more. Maybe invite him out for dinner but as your "architect" he won't know" I say and Jane nods. "I guess your right, I won't see Jake until I found out about of somethings there with me and Adam" Jane says and I nod.

The door bell goes and i get up to answer it. Jake. "Y/n? Wheres Jane?" He asks. "busy" I say. "can I speak to her?" He asks and I shake my head. "Nope" I say. "why not?" He asks. "Busy" I say. "y/n please, you were my sister in law, let me in" he says and before I can say anything, jane comes up behind me.

"Jane please can I talk to you?" Jake says. "I don't want to talk right now" she says. "please" he says. "y/ns staying" Jane says and I smirk. "But-" he gets cut off. "I know what's been happening Jake, you think my sister wouldn't tell me? She tells me everything" I say. "yes I remember that from when we were married, no privacy" Jake says. "Awh Poor jakey" I say in a baby voice and pout. "Y/n" Jane says and I laugh. Me and Jake always had a brother/ sister relationship. Some days we liked eachother the next days we hated eachother.

I stay why they were having their conversation, because Jane wanted me too. They talk about Adam and Agnus and everything in-between. "Jake I think maybe we don't talk for a few days" jane says. "why?" Jake asks. "were so good together Janey, you know it so stop denying it" Jake says and puts his hand on her waist. Jane looks at me and i get the message, just by the look on her face.

"Okay bye jake, nice chat" i say and grab his arm and push him outside. "I wasn't done talking" he says. "Jane was" I said and shut the front door.

"Okay I'm just going to not speak to Jake for a few days, spend time with Adam and see how things go" she says and I nod in agreement.


This was a bit rubbish but I'm a bit stuck for ideas so let me know X if you haven't, drink some water and have a bite to eat.

Love G x

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