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"Hey" .. these eyes they remind me of Davis , but this isn't Davis .. this is Lucas , what is wrong with me ?!

"Heeyylloo" said Lucas again .. I was lost in my thoughts again , wasn't I ?! Of course I was .

"Oh.. H..hi" Why am I stuttering? Am I nervous?!

"Don't worry I am not here to kidnap you." he said with a soft smile . "Oh no no no" I replied. "Then what were you thin king about?!" He asked. "Huh?!"
"See you are doing it again. Relax" he said, I didn't know voices could be both calm and sexy at the same time.

"HEY!!!" Screamed Daisy from our bed (the bed we would be sharing tonight). You know Daisy could still go instead of me. She could be too persistent sometimes.

Taylor had just come out of the bathroom and she is shocked, you could literally see it on her face, she had her mouth wide open for about a minute, looked as if her soul left her body. I was gonna tell her to shut it or the bacteria would go all in since she was still at the door. But then she shut it and said

"Oh hey" again with a soft smile.

As I look closer, he has a clear skin and a soft smile. A smile which could melt anyone (not me though) I wonder thats how he gets his way out. He has a fair complexion and his eyes, his eyes reminds me of Davis. I wonder if his hair are naturally black, cause they look good.. too good to be precise.

"Ahheemm.... Let's go?!" He said .. was I checking him out again ? Oh no .. I wonder what he thinks of me!

"Sure" I replied hesitantly.

Daisy and Taylor had come to drop me at the elevator. "Adios" said Daisy.

"Have fun." Said Taylor with a winky wink.
Why did she wink ? What would he think? Oh god. As I said earlier, Daisy could read my face and exactly tell how I feel. She knew was ashamed when Taylor winked ,
"Uh...Taylor.... Lets go and use the sheet masks I brought.. lets goo."

"Ok. Daisy... byeeeeeeeeee Aza." As she waved her hand, our elevator door went closing and Daisy dragging Taylor at the same time.

Its was only me and him at the elevator. Its been less than 24hrs since I landed in Colorado and here I am already going on a date. This is very unlikely of me.

"Sooo.. what kind of coffee do your prefer? Latte?
Cappuccino? Americano? Iced? Espresso?" Asked Lucas.
"Wow.. you know a lot of coffee types huh!?"

"Well.. most of them are what I've heard of other wise I prefer Dr.pepper." With a smile.

"Wait! Dr.pepper???"

"Oooohhh .. I know its kinda weird, but..."


" wait really! That's interesting... phew now we don't have to go to a cafe .. so we can just 'burgers and dr.pepper' right!!?"

"Of course would love to do that... I am hungry anyway."

"Me too."
The elevator door opens and here we are at the lobby, which is full of dust and apparently they don't clean their clocks. Its been a long time since I have opened up to another guy .. even though it was only Davis before. Life is really weird , here I was scared running into Davis and right now I am going on apparently a date to grab a burger and a Dr.pepper.

"Hey!! Wait for me at the entrance and I will meet you there ok." Said Lucas. He was leaving me here ???


As I was making way to the entrance, I saw him. There he was, right in-front of me.
Davis. My heart skipped a beat.

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