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I miss home already .. The bus felt nauseated and hot . The look of the plane sickens me .

"HEY !!! LOOK AT THAT BEAUTY " said Daisy

" looks just like a plane" 🤨

" come onn !! would you appreciate it for once "

" fine fine ."

Just then one of the professor said -

" OKAY !! GUYS GATHER AROUND . " she was talking about some instructions to be followed while on plane and I don't know what . Yes I didn't listen I mean how could I , I was busy thinking about the precautions I have to take while on plane and other stuff , and also what would I do If I meet Davis.

" whatcha thinking about ?! "

" huh ?? "


" huh !! yeah yeah listening "

" COME ONN AZA if your thinking about the germs then don't worry I did my research , planes are usually clean !! and if its about DAVIS then chill .. we will be cool ! OK !? "

" OK " having Daisy by my side is the best thing till date and so the memories I have with Davis .

" lets go they are calling .. we have to board our PLANE "

Daisy could be mature as well as be a total child at times .

We boarded our plane and Daisy was sitting right next to me as the plane took off .

Turtles All The Way Down- AGAINWhere stories live. Discover now