chapter nine

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chapter nine.

Over the course of the month, the Mikaelson family stood stronger and more united than ever before. For the most part, arguments were few, and no one moved alone. The Mikaelson family vowed to say together. To move together.

To thrive together.

While most of the family wanted to leave Mystic Falls, they all came to a decision to say a little bit longer, at least until everything was settled with Bonnie. Plus, Rebekah said that she desperately wanted to go shopping and everyone knew that would take a few days.

As she promised, the heretic also dedicated time to the only deceased Mikaelson sibling. It didn't take much work, just Esther's ashes, Mina, Kol, and Klaus's blood, and volià. She did have to channel her family because the resurrection of an original was not a task for the weak. And while she was one of the most powerful people in her birth family, she didn't contain the power to bring Finn back on her own.

Now she stood in the center of her and Kol's room, peering over at the dozens of spells before her. She was trying to make this house impenetrable. After hearing what she had about Bonnie, she didn't want to take any risks in one of them dying. After all, the key ingredient to the spell – Esther's ashes – had been used entirely. There would be no way for her to redo the spell.

Having seen the amount of Bennett witches at the Bennett Manor meant that they were close to bringing Bonnie back. It wouldn't do to dally with her family's life.

"My love?"

Turning around, she smiled at the sight. Her husband stood tall, peeking into the door. "Yes, my darling?" Opening the door wider, he realized something was behind him... or someone. "Mina!"

The heretic and the Bennett witch met halfway, galloping into each other's arms. They had never spent so much time apart from each other. Other than the two times they had made it their mission to see each and Mina asking Elyza to kidnap Elena for her, they hadn't seen each other in the last month.

After hearing the door shut, the duo made their way over to the bed, Elyza singlehandedly pushing all of the books and such off to clear the space. However, Mina's eyes picked up on one of the spells.

"This kind of boundary spell is something serious... is something wrong, girly?"

Elyza lied with ease. "Nothing. Just looking out for my family, you know?"

Mina tilted her head in confusion. "This type of precision isn't just as a lookout, Lyza. Tell me. What's wrong?" Despite her best friend's answer, she searched her mind for what could possibly be wrong. Then it hit her. Six years ago. Las Vegas. "Is An-"

"Shut up," Elyza hissed, cutting her best friend off. Panic flooded her veins as she realized that in a house with vampires, someone could have heard her. With a flick of her wrist, a silencing spell covered the room, making it impossible to hear from the other side. She fought against the urge to open her door and see if anyone was near. Mainly because if there was anyone near and they didn't hear, it would make her look suspicious.

Standing up from the bed, Mina pulled herself out of Elyza's hold. "You haven't told Kol about him yet?" She whisper-yelled even though there was no reason for quietness at this point. Disbelief plagued her voice as she looked down at her friend. After everything... she hadn't told her own husband.

"There's no reason to. It's been years. He hasn't returned after all this time; he won't return now." Elyza tried to reason. "I promise, none of this is in fear of him. I'm with my husband again. My family. The only family I've only ever known. They won't let anything happen to me."

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