eight: from heaven

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It was the tamest stag and hen party Louis had ever been to. Then again, the couple was already married, and this was really just an excuse for everyone to hang out and have a good time. The nikah had ended soon after the couple signed their marriage certificate and everyone had lunch. Once nightfall came, Louis had gone down to the shops with Liam and Niall and got an assortment of fast food while the rest of them secured a spot in the villa where no one would bother them for the rest of the night. When they got back and went up to the rooftop where Harry had texted them to come, they found the whole place was decked out.

There were lanterns strung up along with fairy lights everywhere, illuminating their semi-small gathering. The group also collected some large pillows, blankets, and chairs so everyone could sit and relax. Initially, there were only going to be about eight of them, but now twenty to thirty had gathered. Somehow word had gotten out about this, and a bunch of Zayn and Zoya's similar-aged friends and cousins had joined, not wanting to be left out.

With laughter and chatter drifting through the air while the calm of the village surrounded them, Louis felt a strange, nostalgic sort of ease. It was likely because he was surrounded by people he'd grown up with and loved. Being amongst them reminded him of how it was when he still lived in England and all his days consisted of his friends and fucking about. When he'd left, there were seldom days when he missed home because he was too busy chasing the high of seeing new cities and new faces. Now that he was here, he knew leaving them all this time would be painful.

Zoya was giggling with Harry, the two of them nearly in tears as they listened to Niall tell a story. Finn was catching up with Zayn, and Aria was getting cosy with one of Zoya's family friends. It seemed that whatever had transpired between Liam and Aria all those years ago wasn't there anymore because he'd barely talked to her. Louis was still curious about what had happened between Liam and Zoya. It was weird because Zayn and Liam were really close and there didn't seem to be any animosity between them. Either Louis was making up this love triangle in his head, or they'd resolved it long before he'd shown up.

Speaking of Liam, he was currently playing poker with some of Zayn's cousins when Louis decided to jump in. Things between him and Liam seemed better. Not okay, but slightly better in the sense that Liam was more willing to actually talk to him. They'd sat together after the nikah while everyone fussed over Zoya and Zayn, watching in half boredom and half interest.

The guys around the poker table threw money in the bowl just as Louis sat down on the arm of Liam's chair. "Two hundred pounds, show," Louis said, dropping in his own bills amongst the twenties and fifties. While he may not be in front of the camera, he'd still made a fortune doing the show over the years, so money wasn't an issue for him. In fact, he lived quite comfortably, something he didn't like boasting about.

Liam gave him a look, but Louis ignored his gaze. "Just play," he whispered to Liam. The cards were laid out slowly, player by player, and when one bloke threw down a King, Queen, and Jack, Louis knew the game was over because Liam only had a 5, 6, and 7. The winner grinned as he took the bowl and thanked everyone, mostly Louis, for his big win.

Louis looked to see Liam sigh dejectedly and throw Louis a glare. "C'mon, lad," Louis said. "Don't get mad at me. Not like I made you lose."

Ignoring him, Liam stood up and walked over toward a quiet corner of the rooftop. He lit a cigarette, a habit Louis hadn't known he'd picked up and turned to Louis with a frown. "Why did you do that? What did you think this was? Las Vegas? It's not like you were going to hit the double jackpot. You should have just minded your own business."

"It's fine, Liam," Louis insisted with a nervous laugh, unable to understand why Liam was getting so worked up. "It's just a game. It's not a big deal."

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