Chapter Nine

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In the end, sickly Amberfrost ended up taking the Clan to the gathering. It was a horrible idea - she was coughing all night and the other leaders were extremely disturbed by her and keeping their distance. Now they were scolding SummerClan for being inconsiderate, when really, the one to be blamed for all this mess was Stonestar. The only thing the Clan could say about him was that he had greencough and was a lot worse-off than Amberfrost, so there she was, announcing the stuff in the Clan.

Frostheart was meaning to sit with Skyfeather, but when she spotted Streamlight, Turtleleaf and Flamewing all sitting in one group, she figured out what that meant, so she bidded Skyfeather a quick goodbye, hiding her look of confusion when something seemingly sad flickered across his face and she hurried over to join the other prophecy cats, her tail flicking back and forth in greeting. They looked up when they saw her, and Streamlight flicked her tail back in greeting, too. Flamewing stared dully back. Of course he would. He was supposed to bring destruction, and naturally he wasn't happy about that. Turtleleaf seemed mad too - perhaps it was because now she knew she had a part in that destruction, by turning Flamewing to do it.

"My leader has been talking about sending me to another Clan," Streamlight began anxiously. "What about yours? Are they planning on sending you away, too?"

"I have no idea. All the medicine cats talked about it when they came to SummerClan a few moons ago," Frostheart explained wryly. 

"Ugh! It's not fair! Why do you get to know everything just because the medicine cats met in your Clan?" Turtleleaf exploded. Her expression was stormy and she actually looked furious. Not to mention all her anger was directed at Frostheart. "Recount their entire conversation, your thoughts on what they said, now. Don't leave anything out. I want to know as much as you do! I'm sick of suddenly hearing new information and being the only one clueless around here."

To be honest, Frostheart really disliked Turtleleaf by this point. She was annoying and arrogant, like she expected that Frostheart had to oblige just because she was younger and a fellow prophecy cat. Frostheart wanted with all of her heart to shout a big fat no, but of course, she didn't want to completely ruin her ties with the other prophecy cats. She wasn't sure what to make of Flamewing yet. He seemed friendly enough, jittery too, but his part of the prophecy was bringing destruction, which didn't seem to suit his character. Streamlight of course seemed to already be fitting the prophecy, as she held up a paw to try and calm down Turtleleaf, who looked on the verge of lunging at Frostheart.

Turtleleaf gave Streamlight a quick glare, then snapped at Frostheart, "Well, come on! Spit it all out. I want to know every last detail, no matter how tiny it is."

Frostheart smiled cruelly, inwardly, and began describing the medicine cats' pelts, eye colors, and accents in detail. All of the prophecy cats were looking slightly infuriated by this point, so she started telling the story of their friendly greetings, hellos, tail flicks, whatever. Expression changes, she nailed them all. Then she recounted the prophecy to them, the way the medicine cats had pieced it together. But they already knew the prophecy, so of course, this wasn't anything new, and they were looking even more infuriated.

"Will you GET ON WITH IT!" Turtleleaf shouted.

Suddenly, every cat in the gathering's eyes were on Turtleleaf and their small group. Mousestar stared down at her, his whiskers twitching in either amusement or annoyance. "Be quiet. Do not speak out of turn. This is a time for friendly gossip or chatter, not a time to be yelling at cats from other Clans."

Turtleleaf hung her head in shame, her cheeks having a faint pink tinge to them. Great StarClan, Turtleleaf was blushing! When did that happen? Because she was embarrassed now? Honestly, it made her face look more passable for a cat's. 

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