Chapter Twenty-nine

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"Am I attending the gathering?" Frostwind asked.

Stonestar sniffed, "Do you think you deserve to?"

"Well, that's settled then," Frostwind said and trotted away.

He shouted after her, but she didn't listen and sped up slightly before bumping into Windecho. Her first instinct was to say something snarky but she held herself back, watching him intently.

"Um... so you're going to the gathering?" he mumbled.

Frostwind nodded. "Yeah, well, I think so, a certain fat gray tom wasn't very clear." She narrowed her eyes at Stonestar and Windecho laughed.

The gathering took place on a full moon as usual, but Frostwind wasn't ready to nearly get pounced on by Flamewing, who landed next to her, his eyes glittering with malice she hadn't even imagined the peaceful cat could have.

"What did you do to Turtleleaf?" Flamewing snarled. "I can't even connect to her anymore!"

"Simple," Frostwind said without remorse, "I killed her. What did you think it was?"

Flamewing hissed under his breath. "You realize that I'll be the end of you?"

"Contrary to that, I believe I'll end up ending you the same pretty way I ended Turtleleaf."

His breathing grew ragged and he shot her one last look filled with hatred and fury before stalking away. Once he was gone, Streamlight joined Frostwind, her eyes light with amusement.

"He's a bit crazy, isn't he? Also, did you really kill Turtleleaf?"

"She killed Skyfeather," Frostwind said, and her mate's death still felt raw and painful. She'd actually let Turtleleaf kill her own mate - that was awful. But... at least they were one enemy down.

"I can see Flamewing bringing destruction now," Streamlight shivered. "He'll probably convince WinterClan to side with AutumnClan."

"Well, it's not like WinterClan wants to become one as SeasonClan anymore either."

"Point taken," Streamlight agreed, "but... I'd hoped that WinterClan would remain on our side."

Frostwind shook her head. That had never been even a remote possibility. Trying her best not to look like she'd expected it all along, Frostwind slipped away from Streamlight and went to Pebblepaw. Mothers were probably supposed to be hanging around their kits to make sure they were alright.

Then again, so were the fathers.

Frostwind looked up at the sky and let out a long sigh. Skyfeather, I hope you're watching, she thought as the gathering began.

Mousestar was sitting on the Great Oak with several rogues grumbling on the roots. They were a scraggly bunch.

"AutumnClan would like to know why SummerClan made an unprovoked attack that killed my deputy!" Mousestar snarled.

"That same deputy killed my mate!" Frostwind flashed back, baring her teeth at the AutumnClan leader. He could die for all she cared.

"She acted with her Clan's best interests at heart!" Mousestar fired back.

"Well, I acted with the best interests of mine," Frostwind retorted. "Aren't you the one always attacking? Turtleleaf trespassed and killed one of her cats. This means war, Mousestar."

"What?" Stonestar practically squeaked. "No, it doesn't! It doesn't at all! Nope! Not at all! We... SummerClan is peaceful!" he insisted.

Half the SummerClan cats were staring at him as though he was insane, and Frostwind saw she wasn't the only one groaning. Amberfrost was as well, along with her supporters.

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