1 - The Truth behind the Past

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Mavka, dressed in her battle suit, was running through the empty hallways of Babyls, since it was the Heartbreaker Test for the students, when she found out Poro was gonna get Atori and find Sullivan face-to-face, she had to get their as soon as possible to tell Poro the truth!

After a while, she managed to find Poro, who was about to take off and face-to-face with the teachers of Babyls, Sullivan and Opera along with an unconscious and beaten up Atori in his hand as she yelled out to him "Poro-Sama, stop!" Poro didn't turn around to see the person who called out to him, instantly recognizing that voice "Mavka, stand back. I'm doing this to get Del-Chan back." Poro ordered her but Mavka didn't stood as she had yelled out again.

"Poro-Sama, stop! I know where your daughter is!!"

Hearing those words Poro's eyes widen hearing those words as he asked "What was that?" Mavka repeated her words and calmly spoke "I know...where your daughter is." The room felt like it was in eternal silent as Poro turned to Mavka as he looked directly in her eyes, seeing if she wasn't lying. Which she isn't. Poro knew Mavka far well when she served under Derkila and him all those years ago, even after Derkila's disappearance, she still remained loyal and had served Poro since then.

In the end, Poro himself broke the silence, ignoring Sullivan who was watching the whole thing "Mavka, this better not be a lie. You know what happens to demons who lie to me." Mavka nodded, understanding what he meant as she looked at the unconscious Atori in still Poro's hand "Of course, but first...we need to talk somewhere private." Poro thought about this determinedly, he knew far well Mavka wouldn't lie to him nor Derkila since then. His wings closed little by little until he landed on the ground near Sullivan "You better be telling the truth this time, Mavka." Mavka only nodded before Sullivan spoke up in a calm voice "Let's talk in my office."


With Iruma and the other group, they were watching the whole thing from the other side of the school as they watched Sullivan, Opera, Poro and Mavka leave to go to Sullivan's office as some of the teachers left as well. Iruma could see some emotion from the demon musician's eyes, but for some reason, she felt her chest pumping in pain and sadness.

'What...is this feeling?' She thought until a she suddenly got a terrible headache out of nowhere, she vision started going hazy as her felt herself wobbling every step she took, which the group noticed and stared getting worried for Iruma "My lady, are you alright?" Asmodeus asked worriedly, seeing the state Iruma was in "Azz-Kun....don't feel...okay..." Iruma then fell into the ground, with Asmodeus catching her in time "My lady!"

Asmodeus then stood up and he worriedly looked over the unconscious girl as he turned to the group and spoke "Silvia-San, go tell the principal and Opera-San about this, Crocell-Chan tell the same thing about this to Dali-Sensei or any teacher you bump into as well. I'll take her to the infirmary. The ret of you, stay here and defend yourself in case one of the teachers came by." They nodded as Silvia left to go to the principal's office while Chima left to find Dali or any teacher she can find.

Asmodeus then started heading towards the infirmary as he placed Iruma in one of the medical beds "Rest well, my lady." Whispered Asmodeus as he left the infirmary to find the others.

~Meanwhile at Sullivan's office~

Mavka was sitting next to Sullivan with Opera standing by his side and behind them was Azazel Henri, Chief of Demon Border Control, a Thirteen Crown and Ameri's father.

Apparently, Sullivan had called Henri and told him what happened when Atori attacked and had came with several guards to capture the suspect. While the guards watch over Atori, Henri will be in the room to hear the news behind Mavka's story.

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