A Demonic Escape(Reworked)

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After realizing all that commotion must have alerted the whole mansion.Oh yeah forgot to mention I was being tortured under the mansion.Since there was only one exit to this torture dungeon. There was a huge iron steel door holding me down here."Break down the door" I said to my raven and it flew up wings spread open before closing them to its side and smacking against the giant doors. The doors feel with a loud thump as I step over them and now smell more than my blood and sweat. There was a long passageway with a lot of creatures being tortured but I ignored their screams of pain. I kept walking until I'm met with another set of huge doors that had a wolf symbol on them. I was always fascinated with wolves as a kid so my excitement got to me and I ordered my raven to" bust it down" and just like it did with the doors that held me captive it blew down the doors the same. I started to enter as I sensed a strong presence which made my raven back away and resummons. I walk forward and met with a blonde-haired girl in chains and blindfolded. She had scars all over her body. The blindfold had weird symbols I didn't recognize on it. As I got closer she started to sniff the air," What's an Addams like you doing here?"
"I sensed a powerful aura I believe it was you. So I came to free you." I said in a monotone voice.
"Free me huh finally after so long you here to discard me?"
"No, I simply came here to recruit you as an ally against my family."
"Why would I ever be an ally or trust you?"
"I can't prove it with words but only action so you will have to take my word and believe what I'm saying is true. Otherwise, I can just recruit someone else if you like."She looked like she was thinking but then she responded," Take my blindfold off and then first."
I didn't ask why but I did so anyway and I took it off with some resistance. The blindfold was some sort of seal when I was removing it. As soon as I took it off I felt the air become heavy and she start radiating power off her. She opens her eyes which glowed a icy blue. I heard her whisper," Beautiful" as she stares at me. I was honestly surprised by what she said but I didn't let it show."Ok, what now will you join or not?"
"What do I have to do?"
"Just swear absolute loyalty to me and I'll take care of you as well you take care of me." I take out my hand which glowed a dark purple."Deal?"
"....Yes" She takes my hand and a raven mark appears on both our hands."The raven mark symbolizes our promise and bond. So I won't be able to break it and will be heavily punished by the bond contract if I do."She shakes her head in understanding."I will now break your chains."
"Don't worry about It I can do it now since I'm not weakened by the blindfold anymore."With just a swipe of her claws, she sliced the chains."If you could've done that with the blindfold off why didn't you take the chance?" I ask her curiously."She turns to me and smiles" I feel like I can trust you as simple as that."I felt my heart skip a beat as she said that. She kind of reminds me of- no no no I must stay focused. I heavily sigh" Don't do that from now on ok? You can't just go based on your feelings."
She then begins to chuckle a little bit."I already can trust you because you're teaching me."
"But most teachers are not that good-hearted."
"That may be so but you seem good enough,"
"NO!"I yell to her in frustration.
"I've done bad things and couldn't protect the ones I care about the most."She warmly smiles at me. She then runs up to me and embraces me and held me right."W- Wa" I tried to speak but I couldn't get the words out."Shhhhhhh it's ok to be sad but there are some things out of our control and some things we can't take back. But that's why we have a future to change what we did in our past." She hugs me tightly and I felt myself cry in her embrace. I felt really good while being held. I guess after so long of thinking of revenge and trying to survive I needed this hug. I hold my arms around her as well as I squeeze tight. I whispered," Thank you" and I'm sure she heard it because she snuggled further into my hold. We were interrupted as a couple of demons pop into the room. I let go and prepared to fight but I felt a hand stops me." My first duty of the bond is to show you what I can do right?" She smiles as I see an ethereal blue flame pour out her eyes and her claws extend and they turn black with a blue aura coating them. Then in a blink of an eye, she disappears and all the demons evaporate. Standing in the middle of it all was her."Forgot to mention my name is Enid Sinclair and yours?"
"Wednesday" She chuckles a bit before replying" Like the day right? That's kinda cute."It made my face heat up but so I hid it with my long hair I didn't cut yet."I should probably cut my hair it's too long and it's reaching the floor." Enid says to herself and with  no force at all she cut her hair short. (Normal hair length as in the show.)" What me to do yours too?"
"Just shoulder waist length please." And in a quick second, it was waist length as I requested. " Welp time to go cus I hear more demons!" She says to me with a cheerful smile. As she says that she grabs my hand we rush through the doors and past the demons that kept showing up. There was a long staircase upwards and Enid picks me in bride style."I can run you know" I say to her annoyed a little." I know but I can go fast just watch this." I felt as if my body was about to break but I'm glad she was taller than me to block some of the when because in seconds I felt like we were traveling light speed up the staircase. In seconds we were up the staircase and I jump out of her arms. My legs felt unbalanced as I almost fall but Enjd nervously smiles at me. I glare at her," Better be lucky I wasn't human, and also WARN ME NEXT TIME!" I say seriously to her."*Nervously chuckles*Ok ok Wens."
"Yea, a little nickname for you since saying Wednesday is too long for me."I roll my eyes but then I sensed a presence behind me."Come out Mother" I say in a dead tone. From the shadows, my mother emerges."So you escaped impressive but a whore like you should go back." She says to me in a motherly tone which ticked off me. But for some reason, I heard growling and noticed it was coming from Enid."Sorry, but that won't happen also say hi to Pubert in the deepest part of hell Mother." She widens her as it clicks in her mind."Enid gotta go fast now!!!" Enid understood the excitement as she picks me and we dash. I hear my mother yell," bitch" but I couldn't hear the rest."TURN LEFT AND GO THROUGH A PURPLE-LIT DOOR." She did just that as we bust through the door. I look around the room to find the transportation inscription needed for the circle. I began drawing it using my blood."Uhhhh Wens HURRY UP PLEASE!?"
I manage to finish in time and but it needed time to start up. 30 seconds at most I turn towards Enid as we fight the demons approaching. Constant slashing, piercing, dodging, and burning was taken place in a battle against and for time."WENS THE POR-" That's all I heard before I saw a spear was  thrown at Enid. I manage to get in front of Enid in time before it pierced her. It went into my stomach and out my back making me cough up blood. I was about to close my eyes when I heard, "WEDNESDAY!!" I turn towards Enid covering me with her arms and everything bloody. I blink and see Melania standing beside her. Yea Enid reminds me of Melania so much. I grit my teeth and squeeze out all of my power to go into my true form. Darkness covers the room as my eyes pour out ethereal Black flames my hands, legs, and feet become covered in scales and black feathers. My feet now become black raven talons and my hands become claws. And I now dawn a black Valkyrie, armor with black flames acting as my dress."RÅVĘÑÂŁÂ" My mothers steps back in fear as the rest of my so-called family did the same. With one swing of my hands, I vaporize all the demons, and with a quickness, I picked up Enid and flung us threw to the center of the incantation and I fall threw unconscious.

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