Damon x fem reader

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Reader's pov:

I gazed dreamingly at my crush Damon.

A harsh whisper brought me back to reality. It was (enemy name).

"Keep dreaming Damon is never going to like you!"

As I went along with my day, her words haunted me. Maybe she's right.

I looked up to the source of the whispers and saw Damon talking with Sasha one of the popular girls.

I bit my lips and blinked away the tears. They'll make a good couple.

It was the afternoon when school dismissed. I headed home to get ready for my babysitting gig.

When I was ready, I ran out. I reached the address a little breathless. Thankfully it had stopped raining before I left home.

I rang the doorbell and the door opened. I screamed a bit as I fell forward, but I was caught by a pair of muscular arms.

"Oh thankyou" "I'm here to babysit the kids" "my name is-"

The person interrupted me. "Y/n right?"

I looked up. "How-"


He gave me a small smile contrary to his cold appearance.

"I know you" "You're that beaut-" "nevermind" he said, turning red.

"My siblings are inside, call me if you need anything" "gotta head out for track"

I nodded still feeling dazed from the whole ordeal.

The babysitting went well and tge kids were well behaved. I enjoyed my time with them. It gradually became late.

I patiently waited for Damon and soon enough he got back.

I got up in a hurry. "I have to get going" "Thankyou for everything"

"Why don't you stay over for dinner y/n?" He asked.

His brother jumped on the couch nodding."big brother cooks well!"

I giggled.."sure"

They cheered and I texted my dad and explained the situation.

I dug in the food and complimented Damon.

I had gotten dressed in Damon's clothes. They were slightly big, but comfy. I sat down on the stairs outside abd gazed at the star filled sky.

I dialed (bff's name) knowing she'd be bored and awake.

"Sooo gorgeous how was the babysitting?"

I chuckled. "Well it went well, but it got Late so I'm staying over"

"Who's house is it?" She said loudly from tge other side.

I started fangirling. "Girl it's Damon"



"Have you made a move?"

I groaned. "(BFF nickname) it's not easy!"

"I'm not pretty, athletic or rich" "Even if I confessed I don't think Damon will feel the same way"

"Ouch" "but you gotta try!"

I opened my mouth to reply and turned my head to the side, then dropped my phone.

"Y/n?!" "Is everything alright?!"

Damon was staring at me. "Thouht I'd bring you a snack" he Saud after a second.

I found myself running but he caught me.

"Y/n wait!"

"It's ok, I know you don't feel the s-" I was cut off by his lips which were placed on mine.

This must be a dream...

"I like you too"

We both kissed again breathless and it was magical underneath the stars.

I snapped back to reality and gazed shyly at him as he held me. I picked up my phone.

"Sorry for making you worry (BFF name)" "short story short I confessed"

She squealed in delight and we both smiled at each other as she did.

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