Working Together

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"M-Miguel?" I say, shocked.

We were looking at each other. There was silence for about 5 seconds until he broke it.

"Trying to k1ll yourself?" Miguel says, still looking at me.

I look at him in disbelief.

"No, you tried to k1ll me. You sent all your spider minions after me!."

"Well if you hadn't teleported in the first place none of this wouldn't have happened!." Miguel says.

" Well if you hadn't kidnapped me then none of this wouldn't have happened!" I say back.

" Fine, I'll apologize for it. Andrea, I'm sorry for kidnapping you. There, happy?."

"Fine, I'll accept your apology." I say looking at him.

" So will you help me?" Miguel says, looking at me.  

I see him doing a little puppy eye, begging for me to help me. And I can't help it. I have to help him since he saved me. And I can't resisted when people do the puppy face! DANG IT!!.

"Fine!. I'll help you, but just because you saved me!." I say looking away from him, kinda blushing.

" Good, let's get to work." Miguel says, grabbing my hand and dragging me to HQ.

I look at his hand that is grabbing mine and kinda heat up. I never knew Miguel was such a softie. It's kinda cute- NO Andrea get your head together!. I can't fall for him. I promised myself to never fall in love after what happened when I first fell in love. When thinking about it I feel sad. My first love I met him at a market. We bumped into each other, had a conversation, and after that we went out to eat. It was great we hung out for months and I had caught feelings for him, but he hadn't asked me to be his girlfriend. After weeks he had told me that we couldn't hang out and that he had found someone more funny and awesome than me and he left me with a broken heart. After that I didn't want to fall in love again. So I can't fall in love, and not to Miguel. Then suddenly my whole body started hurting real bad that I fell to the ground grabbing my stomach. I see Miguel rush over to me and grab something out of his pocket and put it around my wrist. Whatever it was, it helped my body to stop hurting. Miguel helped me off the ground.

"What happened?. Why did my body start hurting?"  I asked Miguel.

"It's cause you're not in your dimension. When you travel through a dimension that's not yours then you end up glitching." Miguel tells me walking back to HQ.

"What is this thing you wrapped around my wrist?." I asked him, confused as to what the heck it is.

"It's a wristband. It keeps you from glitching" Miguel says back.

"Oh, well thank you." I say to him, and I see him smiling. And I smile back.

It was silent for the rest of the walk, but once we got there I see a woman also in the HQ. She had big hair and a motorcycle which I thought was cool. Once she turned around she was PREGNANT!?. How can she fight while pregnant?!. Doesn't it hurt the baby? Doesn't it hurt her?. I kept looking at her belly and noticed she was walking towards me. I looked back at her and smiled.

"Hello!. You must be Andrea, so nice to finally meet you! My name is Jessica!. I can't wait to work with you!." Jessica says to you with a smile on her face.

"Ya can't wait to work with you too!" I say, but really I don't want to be here.

"Andrea. Come over here. Let me give you information on what we know." Miguel says with a deep voice.

I head over to Miguel and listen to what he said.

"There a person that's a threat to the universe and he is called The Spot. From what we know is that he was a scientist and he made something that turned him into that" He showed me a picture of The Spot and the first thing he looked like was a cow. Anyway back to Miguel. " He can travel through different dimensions using his spots. The more he gains spots the stronger he will be." Miguel had said.

"But how does he gain the spots?" I told him, curiously.

"He gains them by machines called the Super-Collider. He can't always get the spots using one machine so he has to travel through dimensions to get the spots from the Colliders." Miguel says, answering my question.

"But how can I save the universe?" I asked because this question had been on my mind a while.

"Because you have another power you possess. But you haven't discovered it yet." Jessica answers.

"What is it?" I asked both of them.

"It's for you to find out darling" Miguel says to me, while looking down at me.

Why does he call me names!?!?!? I met this man 20 minutes ago and he's calling me names like we've known each other forever!!. But to be honest I kinda like the names he calls me~

"Well then let's get to work on tracking The Spot and how to defeat him" I tell both of them smiling.

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