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I entered HQ and see no one. They're probably still chasing Miles. As I was about to sit on the couch I hear yelling of Miguel. I run to where the yelling was from and it was in Margo's lab (I don't know what it is) I see Miguel on the floor, breathing heavily. I walk up to him and rub his back. Miguel then stands up and looks at Gwen.

"This was your fault. If you hadn't brought him-into this mess then none of this would happen" He tells her.

"N-no I didn't bring him to Earth-15101 he followed me." Gwen says.

"Well you shouldn't have visited him in the first place." Miguel says.

He walks towards Gwen and takes the watch off her wrist.

"Wait wait Miguel! I can do something about this! Tell him Jessica"

"Sorry. I can't help you." Jessica says.

"Andrea! Please!" She looks at me begging me to help her. Miguel looks at me and I look at him. Miguel's right. If Gwen hadn't visited Miles in the first place then none bad would go wrong. But Gwen really tried she just needs time. I look at Gwen.

"I'm sorry Gwen. You tried, you really tried but I think that you need sometime out of Spider Society. When your ready you can come back." I tell Gwen all sadly.

"N-no. I can fix this! Please!" She yells.

I look down trying not to look at her. I feel Miguels hand on my shoulder. And within seconds Gwen disappeared. Everything went quiet until Miguel spoke.

"Jessica, Andrea come with me. Were going to capture Miles" Miguel says, taking my hand.

He opens a portal and we all walk through it. We ended up in Miles Dimension. Miguel says stays on roofs. Jessica on the motorcycle. And i'm on lookout outside his room incase he was home. I gave Miguel a quick kiss and swung away. I landed on a roof of the building in-front of his room. His window was open but no one was inside. I stood there for about 5 minutes until in the corner of my eye I see a portal open. I hid and saw who went through the portal. It was Gwen. How did she get a watch? Who did she get it from?. I see Gwen swing to Miles window and stood there for about 1 minute. She exited the room and I want to know what and who she was talking to. So I swung closer and entered the room. I tried my best not to make a noise which it work. Gwen was talking to Miles parents and she said that Miles wasn't there. I thought for a moment and realized what happened to him. He wasn't in his dimension. He got bite by a spider that wasn't in Earth-1610. It all makes sense now!. I hear Gwen finishing her conversation so I exited the room and headed to tell the news to Miguel.

Once I landed on the roof that Miguel was on I was tired. Miguel saw and rushed over to me.

"What? What is it mi amor?" Miguel says.

"Miles.. He's not here.. He's in the wrong dimension.." I said between breaths.

"What do you mean he's in the wrong dimension?" Miguel asked me confused.

I told everything. About the spider being in a different dimension. And about Gwen.

" Oh we got to hurry and head to HQ to find out what dimension his in." Miguel says, while calling Jessica on his watch.

"But it's gonna take months or maybe years looking for him in every dimension." I told Miguel.

"Don't worry mi amor. Once we capture him then everything will go back to normal." Miguel said.

I looked at him and smiled. He opened a portal and we both walked through.

Not Alone Anymore (Miguel O'hara x oc) Where stories live. Discover now