Dimension 50101

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I woke up still on the couch  Miguel and I were cuddling. I look around the HQ and see Miguel working. How long has he been up?. Miguel sees me waking up and walks towards me.

"Good morning mi amor" Miguel says.

"Good morning mi corazon" I said back to him.

I realized what happened last night, thinking about it made me blush. I tried to stand up and go see Jessica but I realized I was still naked. I looked at Miguel and he knew what I needed. Miguel handed me my clothes and I got dressed. I walked over to him and gave him a kiss. He kissed back of course

"Ima go look for Jessica." I say walking to the door.

"Ok. And can you bring me una empanada please." Miguel asks me.

"Sure thing love. I'll see you later" I say smiling.

"Ok. I love you" He said

My heart melted when I heard that. He said it first and I thought I was gonna say it.

"I love you too" I say back smiling to myself.

I walk out of the HQ and head towards the Spider Society. I asked around if anyone had seen Jessica and one person said she was in the Cafeteria. I walked over to the Cafeteria and looked for her everywhere.
It was hard to find her because there were so many spider people in there. But I found her cause of her motorcycle. I run towards her.

"Jessica. You won't believe what happened!" I tell her happily.

"Oh Andrea! You scared me! But what happened?" She says looking at me curiously.

I tell her everything that happened with me and Miguel last night. And that he asked me to be his girlfriend.

"Oooo see I told you to show him how you feel" She says smirking.

"Ya ya I know." I say back smiling.

"Did you say yes?! To being his girlfriend?" She says

"Of course I did! Are you crazy?!" I say to her

" Ok ok just asking." She says

"So what were you doing? When I was in the HQ?" I asked her

"Oh well I called Gwen and asked if she got everything in control. But I know she screwed up. She went and visited her friend and I told her if she doesn't fix this, Miguel is gonna have to send her home. And I can't help her" Jessica says.

"Gwen is just a kid. Yes she's 16 but she still has to learn. It's not your fault" I tell Jessica.

"Thanks Andrea. I think you'll make a great mother." Jessica says

"Ohh well thank you." I said.

I never really thought about having kids. I was always scared that I would fail them as a mother. And scared that I would screw up.

Me and Jessica got a call on our watches. It was Miguel.

"What does he want?" Jessica says.

I shug and we both answer.

"What happened darling?" I asked Miguel.

"I need you and Jessica in HQ. It's something important." Miguel says

"We'll be right there." Jessica says.

We end the call and swing our way to HQ. Once we enter we see Miguel standing there back facing us.

"Miguel sweetie? What happened?" I ask him walking towards him.

"We have trouble in Earth-50101"  Miguel says.

I gasp

"That's Pav's dimension" I say shocked "What happened?"

"You know every Spider story. Only one loved one dies. But someone that doesn't belong in that universe changed the story. And when the story changes, there becomes a black hole." Miguel says, looking at me.

" Well who changed the story?" Jessica said.

" Gwen was there, so was Hobie. It was Gwen's friend miles. So I want both of you to go and bring all three of them. Except Pav." Miguel says, looking at both of us.

" Will do" Jessica says and starts walking away.

" What will happen to Pav's dimension?" I ask Miguel curiously.

"I don't know mi amor.." Miguel says to me.

"I hope nothing bad" I say.

I walk up to Miguel and give him a kiss on the cheek. And walk away with Jessica. Heading for Earth-50101.
Mi Corazon- My heart

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