Battle Ends

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It's been almost a year since the incident that happened in the Spider Society. Me, Miguel, Jessica and Lyla have been working on finding Miles. We all had some hope but when we were running out of dimensions to look at we had lost some hope. Everyone had each of their dimension to look at for Miles. My dimension I was looking at was Earth-42. I enter the portal to the dimension and when I entered the world it was purplish color. But beside that, I started swinging around the city, trying to sense any spider person. It's been almost an hour and I started to lose hope until I sense spider people near me. I go to where they are and see 8 spider people. I try my best to get a better look. But what I see is a spider pig, a spider in black and white, a robot spider, and- WAIT! I recognize those faces! Pav, Hobie, Peter, Mayday, Gwen and MILES?!? Oh god what are they all doing?!? Miguel is gonna get so mad!. Oh I got to tell him! But.. Miles promised me that he can save the world. Should I let them go? No! I have to tell Miguel. I'm a loyal girlfriend and I tell him everything. I see that they open a portal. I know where they're going!!! Omg omg omg. I swing away and call Miguel from the watch. He answers.

"Mi amor, what's going on? Are you okay?!" Miguel says. Getting worried.

"I'm fine! But I found Miles! He's with Gwen, Peter and other spider people!!. He's going to his dimension!!" I yelled at him freaking out.

"We have to stop them before it's too late! I'll meet you at the dimension!." Miguel says ending the call. I land on a roof and open a portal to Earth-1610. I enter and see Miguel, I run towards him.

" Mi amor! We have to find all of them and stop them before it's too late. I already contacted Jessica she should be here." Miguel says.

An portal opens up besides us and it was Jessica. She jumps out of it and lands right next to us.

"So what's the plan?" She says.

"Ok we all have to split up and find them." He says. We all nod and swing different directions.

I tried my best to spot them but I couldn't find any of them. Soon I got a call from Miguel.

"Miguel. What happened?" I ask him.

"I found them! And I need back up right now!" Miguel says.

"Where are you?" I asked him but the call ended. I look around the city and hear a big explosion. I swing towards it and see all of them attacking Miguel. I use my mind to throw them away which working. I fall down and land next to Miguel.

"Took you long enough mi amor" Miguel says looking at me.

"Well you never told me your location" I say back looking at him. We both sense something being thrown at us and we both jumped away as quickly as possible. We all started fighting. Soon Jessica joined in and started driving everywhere. I look around for Miles but I don't see him. I go towards Peter.

"Where's Miles?!" I asked him

"I'm not telling you! Miles is here to save the world!" Peter says.

"I'm not here to fight! I just want to help-" I said but then the ground started to shake. There was a black spot that appeared on the ground. And then came out a hand. It was The Spot. I looked at Miguel and he looked back.

"Oh there's more spider people" The Spot says. He then looks at me.

"Heyy what's you name cutie?" The Spot says while taking small steps towards me.

" She's taken! So go find another woman!" Miguel says stepping in front of me.

" Rude but i'm here to destroy the world not here to chit chat." He says.

"No way were gonna let you do that!" I yell at him.

We all start charging at him. But to be honest is was really difficult to fight this guy. Him and his stupid spots!. After sometime of fighting everyone was getting beaten up badly. Some were on the floor and some couldn't fight anymore. I was the only person standing up. I run towards Miguel.

"Miguel! Are you okay?" I ask him worried.

"Yeah.. I'm fine" He says groaning in pain.

I look at The Spot and hear him laughing. I got so mad that I really wanted to k1ll the guy. But it was to difficult. I stand up and walk over to him. I use my mind and threw tons of rocks at him. He yelps and uses his Spots making them come towards me. I open my eyes wide and teleport away quickly. I swing towards him and try to tie him up. But it was no use. After time, I got hit by somethings and it made me fall to the ground. But I never gave up. I still tried to tie him up but it was no use. I failed. I couldn't save the world or the whole universe. I look at everyone else and see that they are on the floor out of breaths. I look up and see Miles on top of The Spot. I smile.

"You know I may not be able to defeat you. But I know he can" I say to The Spot. Then Miles tackled The Spot to the ground . He put a spot on the ground and threw Miles in, then Miles lands next to me. He gets up and looks at me.

"Hey Andrea." Miles says.

"Hey Miles" I say to him smiling.

The Spot threw something at us but we both dodge.

"So what's the plan?" I hear Miles say.

I think real hard. Then I see that the more spots he throws at us, the more he loses his powers!

" We have to make him throw all his spots! If he throws it then maybe he would turn back  normal!" I tell Miles.

"That's a good plan!" Miles says then swings towards The Spot. I smile at myself knowing that was a good plan. I use my mind to throw rocks at him like earlier. And he still uses his spots. After some time he loses all his spots, only one left. Me and Miles look at each other and swing towards him, fist in the air waiting to punch him. But The Spot uses his last spot and make us go flying and hitting a hard wall.
I see that The Spot is all out of spots and wait to see what happens. And my idea was right. He turns back to normal. I feel relieved and happy that we saved an entire universe. I get up and see Miguel. We both took off our mask and smile. We ran for each other and hug. We look at each and kissed. We hugged again and his whispers in my ear.

"I knew you could save the universe" He says

"It's cause you believed in me. You believed that I could do it." I say back, smiling. We let go of each other and hold hands. I see Mayday swing over to me so I open my arms for her. I hug her and look at Miguel. He smiles. I see Peter run towards me out of breath.

"Oh thank god you have her. If I didn't bring her home Mary would have killed me." Peter says panicking a little.

I laugh and hand him Mayday. I look around and see Miles and Gwen hugging each other. Aww young love. I look away and see Jessica I run towards her worried.

"Omg Jessica are you okay?!" I said, panicking.

"I'm fine Andrea really." She says, smiling.

I smile back and took her hand, helping her from falling. We both walked to Miguel.

"Miles.. I'm sorry I doubted you. Your a great guy" Miguel said to him.

"All you were doing was saving the universe." Miles said, looking at me smiling.

"Well you are the most brave spider-man i've ever seen. So i'm recruiting you to join the Spider Society." Miguel says handing Miles a watch. I look at Miles, and he seemed happy. I grabbed a watch from Miguel and walked over to Gwen. I hand her a watch and she gladly took it. She smiled at me and gave me a hug. I hugged her back and walked back to Miguel.

"Ready to go back to HQ?" Miguel says.

I look behind me and see everyone smiling at me. I would never forget this moment. The moment I had real friends. The friends that care for me. I never want to forget them. They will always be in my heart. I look back at Miguel a nod.

"I'm ready." I finally say and we both walked through the portal....


THE END. Ya'll I did this book in two days lol. But i'm thinking about doing a book two. It's still with Miguel O'hara because i'm in love with him. And I think it's going to be a friends to lover book. I don't I'm still thinking about it. But I hoped you enjoy this story!. Thank you!

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