Chapter 11

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Enjoy this chapter it is my longest yet 774 words excluding Author's notes.

Aang and I were busy helping Uncle in his tea shop and planning a date for Zuko and Katara.

"Uncle, how do you suppose we can get Daddy-er Zuko and Katara to on a date?" I asked Uncle Iroh

"Hmm little Princess perhaps you could have your dad take you to the festival along with Katara?" replied Uncle as he wandered into the back of the shop
(not sure if there was a festival in the episode but for the sake of my story there is)
"That's a good idea Uncle," said Aang (Uncle asked the Avatar and his friends to call him Uncle)

"Sounds like fun, maybe we can all go and then we can go off on our own leaving Zuko and Katara alone?"

"An excellent idea little fire Princess Serafina," said Uncle bringing me and Aang some tea

"Uncle, I'm not a princess of the Fire Nation that's Azula," I said wrinkling my nose at the thought of Azula.

"Yes you are," said Aang "your father is the prince of the Fire Nation"

"He's not my real father, my real father was probably a guard or something," I muttered softly

"Serafina does it matter if Prince Zuko is your real father? He is your dad in all but blood," said Uncle wrapping his arms around me.

Just then Zuko walked in followed by Katara "Hello Uncle" called Katara, Zuko grumbled about tea or as he likes to call it 'hot leaf juice'

~~~~~~Zuko's POV ~~~~~~~~

Katara and I had been discussing different fire bending moves, which ones Sera knew, and how similar they were to different water bending moves when Katara decided she wanted some tea. So here we were in Uncle's tea shop. I saw my daughter with the Avatar Aang, I really should make her my daughter officially.

"Katara," I ask with hesitation "is there any specific way to go about adopting a child in the water tribe?"

"Not that I know of, why do you ask- oh Serafina Maria" answered Katara "if we can contact my father perhaps he can tell you"

"Your father, why would he know?"

"He's the chief of the Southern Tribe, I believe if you wish to adopt her because she has no family still alive as far as we know, all you need to do is ask him"

"I'd rather ask Sokka" I muttered

"I think you can," replied Katara "as we don't know when we will see dad"

"Remind me to do that, and if we ever do see your dad I'll ask him too"

"I will"

Serafina came running over to us "hi Katara" she said climbing into the pretty water bender's lap 'When did I start to see Katara as pretty' "what's up?"

"I was asking Katara how I would go about making you my daughter officially within the Water Tribes"

"But aren't we Fire Nation?"

"Yes, but you are half Water Tribe, and I'm kinda banished from the Fire Nation." I answered "And as soon as the war is over and we can return to the Fire Nation," Serafina cuts me off

"And you become the Fire Lord"

"Yes," I replied with amusement "that too, I'll adopt you officially within the Fire Nation, making you the Princess of the Fire Nation"

"So how do you adopt me?" Serafina asked snuggling into Katara

"I have to ask the Chief of your Tribe; the Southern Tribe, if I can become your family as you have no living relatives. The Chief happens to be Katara's father,"

"Katara is a princess" muttered Serafina "she's not a peasant,"

I smile at her "I guess I was wrong to call her a peasant. For that I apologize Princess Katara" I said laughing

"I accept your apology Prince Zuko" answered Katara also laughing

Serafina smiled "how soon can we ask your dad 'Tara?"

"I don't know, but Zuko is lucky that before dad left, he put Sokka in charge of the village"

"So Zuko can ask Sokka?"

"Yes little princess "

"And you won't leave me like my parents did?" Serafina asked me

I was shocked Serafina almost never said anything about her parents before "I would never leave you my little princess" Serafina seemed satisfied with my answer.

"Let's go ask Sokka then,"

"Alright, then Princess Serafina, " said Katara standing up and picking up Serafina in one arm. I stand up as well and offer my arm to Katara "Shall we my lady?"

Katara takes my arm "we shall my lord"

~~~~~~~Serafina's POV~~~~~~~~

I smiled it might be easy than I thought setting Zuko and Katara up on a date. I wrapped my arms around Katara's neck so I wouldn't fall as Katara took Zuko's arm and the three of us set off to find Sokka.

So many Zutara moments. To explain about adopting Serafina, she was never officially adopted as she wasn't born in the Fire Nation and Zuko was not welcome in the Fire Nation and therefore unable to adopt her.


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