A New Beginning

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Have you ever wondered what it would be like if you just leave everything behind and just disappear in a brand new place where you know no one and have no clue what you're doing?

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Have you ever wondered what it would be like if you just leave everything behind and just disappear in a brand new place where you know no one and have no clue what you're doing?... Well that's what I'm currently doing, I know stupid right but this my only chance to have a normal teenage life so yeah I'm taking the chances. I finally got into KISS after i applied for like the one hundred time, they just wouldn't accept me like I'm a great kid, I got straight A's, I'm pretty too, I mean who wouldn't like a pretty face in their school, them apparently. Anyway now i just got to wait till dad gets here so i can break the news to him, I know he won't give a damn about it so I don't even know the point of telling him but i kind off need his signature, he's my guardian after all.

Its currently 8pm and i have finally finished packing everything i need for my one way ticket trip, my room looks colder than usual, even a prison cell is more warmhearted than my room. Now the only thing I need is his approval,,, wish me luck.
I carefully slip away from my room to the living room where i know he's probably watching another reality TV show and getting wasted like every single night, and as if I read the future he was indeed doing that. Please don't be drunk!!!

"Umm.. dadd"... I call him with a shaky voice.

"D...aadd,," He doesn't even bother to acknowledge my presence.

"DAD" I finally say with full confidence, this is very hard.

"What'd you want" He finally dares to respond to me.

"I kinda need to tell you something"

"Spill it out I don't have all night" He demands without even glancing at me let longer look at me. Okay then no need to sugarcoat this, cut right to the chase Lana, you can do this.

"Ummm,,  I applied to a new school" no response "and i kind off need your approval for it" I inform him as calmly as I can.


Wait what did he just...

"What to do you mean NO i haven't even told you the whole thing"

"You ain't going"

"Why not" I demand an answer out of him, if he won't let me he needs a good reason for it.

"Cause I'm your father and I said so" now he's the father how convenient.

"That's not a solid answer"

" Maeve GO TO YOUR ROOM" He shouts across the room at me.

"No" Oh shit what did i get myself into.

"Young lad...."

"I don't care what you think I'm going to that school rather you like it or not" I cut him of before another stupid excuse comes out of that mouth of his "if your worried about the money i already got that covered and another good thing you won't have to look at my stupid face every single day cause I'll be 6000 miles away from here" I let go the breath I didn't even know I was holding.

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