The After Party

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Never in a thousand year would've thought that my first day in Korea would be this eventful

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Never in a thousand year would've thought that my first day in Korea would be this eventful. I mean finding out that my new friends boyfriend was a cheating scumbag and he was friends with that annoying airport guy it's to much for a first day, but still I'd rather be here than back home with him. I don't know if I should call him or not, he's my father at the end of the day. I get my phone out and dial his number wishing he wouldn't pick up, or at least not completely wasted.
"Hey, dad" I say when his face pops up on my screen.

"Who's this" he replies completely intoxicated, he's gonna kill himself at this rate.

"It's me Jane"

"Who the fuck is Jane? Listen here kid go fuck...with someone else, i ain't got no.... time for your gamesssssss."

"It's Maeve" honestly I'm not surprised, it's not like he really cares anyway.

"MAEVEEEEEE, my beautiful daughter" He yells through the phone. "HOW'S KOREAAAAAAAAA"

"It's great" I try to reply as fast as possible so I can get over with this.

"Look at youuuuu, living your sistersssss dream. Nowwwww you even copieddd her lifeeee, you've always been an ungrateful bitch couldn't bare to seee your sister do better than you." great here we go again, trying to make himself feel better cause he cabt stand the fact thst he did a horrible job raising his kids. I know right great parenting it's a ten out of ten.

" Go sober up dad. I'll call you again. " I try to stay as calm as possible. If I'm calm he'll let it go.

"Don't tell me what to doooooo, MAEVE, I'm not a kid" why do I even bother at this point.

"Good night dad" And with that I hang up the phone. This a reminder to never call him again but he's my father at the end of the day I own him at least just a call. I'm the reason he turned out like that anyway.

It's not like I wanted this life, it's not like I wanted for my family to get destroyed, things happen, I happened and I can do nothing to fix it. I can feel a tear fall on my cheek and I wipe it before anyone could see, but when I turn around I can see Min Ho leaning against one of the buildings colons staring right at me and tat that moment I can feel the intire  color drain from my face.

"Jesus, you want to kill me that bad" he scared the living shit out of me not gonna lie . But he doesn't say anything to my comment he just stares at me.

"Cat caught your tongue?" I ask him ironically, irony is my coping mechanism, can't help it.

"Well then goodnight" I say to him and try to walk away when he suddenly decides to speak.

"Was that your dad? " and with a simple question I feel like my whole world shattered in front off me. No one needs to know how my family is, no one can know what is going on in my life, and most definitely no one should know what a horrible person I am. I came here for a new life, for a new me.

"Hmmm" I hum in approval to him. This can not be happening to me, this is a, fresh start.

" Did you want to say anything? " I stupidly ask, why what he want to talk to you dumbass gr doesn't even know you. But he says nothing he's just staring at me like a little lost puppy. This complete stranger boy just keeps staring at me and it's very very uncomfortable.

"Goodnight stalker" he just says that and leaves me there wondering what just happened. Did he listen to my conversation with my father, does he think I'm some lowlife now. AND DID HE JUST CALLE ME A FRICKING STALKER, I am anything but a stalker, at this moment it's quite the opposite may I add. Okay brain stop who cares what someone says, and you shouldn't either. I just need a good sleep and everything will be fine.

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Can my life get any better. The moment I enter my dorm room there is  Maddison with three other girls who I assume are her friends giggling their asses off like some little fan girls. They have turned the room upside-down, there's things everywhere. How can people be so messy and so unorganized.

"OMG you're finally here" Maddison throws herself and embraces me in a tight hug. WTF. 

"Girls this is.... Umm what was your name again" Seriously "Yeah right Lana duhh. Lana here is my roommate" She introduces me to her friends.

"Nice to meet you" I  say trying to end this as soon as possible.

"Yeah so, we got a question for you" Maddison ads.

"Sure..." this isnt going to end fast is it?

"How did you know the hot guy at the party" One of the girls who was sitting on the couch covered with chips may I simply add, and laying down like she ownes this place asks me.

"There was a hot guy? " Confusion captures me... wait hold up are they talking about Min Ho. Eww gross.

"Min Ho?" I question the four girls that have captured me and won't let me go until I give them what they are asking for.

"Yes, how do you know him" the blonde girl in front  questions me jealousy raging out of her.

"I don't" I simply respond "now if you would excuse me I have to get going" and with that I escape Maddisons grip and head towards my clean room.

Since I left Maddison and her friends I've done nothing but stare at the selling for the past hours, it's currently 3:30 am and I'm still wide awake. Me and my fathers conversation keeps replaying in my mind on replay, it just won't stop whatever I do. I even took some sleeping pills but they're so far they're doing a shitty job, hopefully they start working soon cause I'm gonna go crazy.

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Me I'm back, lol
Anyway I've been very busy lately and now time to write I even wrote this at 2 am, but I finally did.
I hope you enjoyed this chapter and can't wait to wrute the next one.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2023 ⏰

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