I Made It Sis

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Oh my god I can't believe this, I actually made it, I’m in freaking Korea, who 
would’ve thought I’d be here

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Oh my god I can't believe this, I actually made it, I’m in freaking Korea, who
would’ve thought I’d be here. Me and Kitty decided to stick together in case
neither of us gets lost but what do you know I already lost her. She wanted to buy
something from every store she could see, i mean doesn’t she know that airport
stuff are a thousand times more expensive than in a regular store, shes wasting a
ridiculous amount of money but I decided to wait for her at the waititng chairs.
While I was waiting a rude dark hair guy decided to bumb on me with his back
and made my phone fall of my hand. I swear if my phone broke im gonna flip
out., I pick up my phone and thankfully its fine.

“ Are you blind?” I turn to him with a harsh tone.
He turns around and just looks me straight into my eyes and just says

“No English” and just turns around and leaves without saying sorry. He didn’t
only have an irritating face but even an irritating voice.

Anyway I better find Kitty
soon or we are going to be late.
After I spend a good 20 minutes looking for her I find Kitty with bags that were
covering both of her arms.

“What happened here?!?!” I ask mostly shocked, how can she buy so many things
in 20 minutes. I cant with this girl, shes gonna make me go insane.

“Well there were just to many cute things, and I bought some souvenirs for my
sisters, THEY ARE GOING TO LOVE ´THEM.” She tells me all exciting, while
trying to show me what she bought.
“ Ohh shit, is that our bus” I say while w run after the bus trying to catch it but we
fail miserably. Thats another thing to cross of my list, chase a bus. Nice.

“Now what” I say trying to find some way that we could go to KISS.
“This is not good im gonna be late for the welcome party, and my whole plan will
have no meaning.

“We’ll find a way…. may..be..” I try to be as positive as possible, I don't know how to do the whole motivational speech, it ain't my thing. We kind off found a city map but here’s the problem , we have no clue how to read
it. Kitty has tried to talk to people but it has been no help either, we are completely
lost, my phone is dead and Kitty has no service, could’ve not went any better.
While I give the map another try my smart friend gets hit by a car, my entire blood
got drained from my body, I run as soon as possible towards her but at the
meantime this beautiful girl with long dark hair gets out of the car and helps Kitty.
Just from the looks of it she seems hella rich, good for her.

“Are you alright?” I hear this girl as Kitty all concerned, and she like the good
cultured kid she is she asks for a ride. And just like that I find myself sitting on the
backseat of this stranger who can possibly be kidnapping us but yolo am I right.

“So where are you two headed too?” The dark haired girl asks us.

“ Koreans Independent School of Seoul. Have you heard of it?” Kitty says to the

“No way that’s where I’m headed”
“What a coincidence” Kitty says all excited.

“ I’m Yuri by the way” She introduces herself to us.

“I’m Katherine, Kitty to my friends” I’ve come to the conclusion that she will
make friends every person she sees.

“What about you?” Yuri asks me about my name.

“Umm,, Lana,,, just Lana”

“Nice to meet you just Lana” Ahhh greattt, I hope that doesn’t stick”.
And like that Kitty tells her , her whole plan about Dae, she’s exploding with
excitement I hope this doesn’t end up bad she seems to happy.

“Thank you again for the ride” I thank Yuri for our ride to KISS, and for not
kidnapping us, was kind off scared about that not gonna lie.On the other hand I did I goddamn did it, can you see this Ella our dream is
becoming true.
I get my bags and go to get my dorm key, hopefully I don’t have a weird crazy
obsessed roommate, I couldn’t bare to hear her talk about her obsession. I fill out
a form and get my dorm room here’s where Kitty and I get separated apparently
shes on the other side of my room.
After I get in the room I’m met with this redhead who I almost fall over too.

“I’m sorry” me and her say at the same time.

“It’s okay” I say to the girl in front of me.

“Are you my new roomate” She asks me.

“ It seems like it” I tell her.

“Well then, I’m Maddison” My new roommate introduces herself to me.

“I’m Lana, nice to meet you”

“Nice to meet you too. If you need anything I’ll be at the library, got to make a
good impression to the principal” Maddison tells me while laughing at her own

“Will do” And just like that she leaves to do whatever she has to do.
I better put my stuff at my side and have a good warm shower, I really need one I
smell like pure sweat, and I have to go to the welcome party too, I really was
dreading this part but I got to see who this Dae guy is.

××××××××××××××××                    ×××××××××××××××

Helloooooooo. I am back from the dead
Lol. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, and tell me if you want me to add anything you would like to this story.



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