Welcome Party

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There is nothing better than a good long shower after a jet lag

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There is nothing better than a good long shower after a jet lag. I'm currently debating with myself if I should go to the welcome party or not, I mean it's a great opportunity to meet everyone and make some friends, right? See what all the hype about this school is about, and there's Kitty too so I won't be all alone, if she isn't smooching somewhere with her boyfriend...... Yeah okay, fuck it I'm going, I got nothing to loose anyway.

So here's the thing, I don't know what to do with my hair, should I curl it, straight it, put it in a, bun or a ponytail, just brush it, I  have no idea. This what happens when your hair is bipolar, I swear I've never seen my hair keep a form it's everywhere all the time. After I tried a ton of different hairstyles i finally decided to just curl it, I look better in curls anyway, you can never go wrong with curls. As for make up I just put some hydrating cream for my ashy face, some concealer to hide  my lag of sleep, some mascara and can't forget highlighter I love highlighter too much, the shine it gives is everything I need,  and some Lipgloss to top it off. I decided to go with a simple white dress, it has a kind off corset top and then its all puffy at the bottom with little white flowers on it, I have bought it since last year when I got my first paycheck and never  wore it once. It's not like I had any occasions where to wear it, it's always school, work, chores, homework, sleep and all over again, a very monotone life I know but hey I guess it was meant to be worn in Korea. And of course cant forget a cute little white bag to put my juice box if my diabetes decides to be a bitch today.

Oh my gosh I almost forgot moms good luck bracelet, it has a little cute four leaves clover that has some cute little diamonds in each petal. Dad once tried to sell it for money but I hid it, I couldn't loose the only thing I had left from her.

(this is what she's wearing ^^)

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(this is what she's wearing ^^)

I finally am all done and ready to go  to this party, I'm kind off late, but who cares when your fashionably late. Right?

I finally make it there and holy cow this is fancy as fuck. I love what they did with the lighting and OH MY GOD IS THAT A CUPCAKE TOWER, I'm in cloud nine right now, anyway were not  here to get fat on cupcakes but if my blood sugar is low i know where to come. While I was looking around the place I bumb into someone and their drink falls all over me. Great.

"Watch it" Me and the mysterious person say at the same time.

" Excu-..... Wait so you do speak English" I say to
infuriating familiar face im front of me
It's the pretend " No English" guy from the airport and damn he got a british accent. What were the chances we'd be at the se school.

Wait hold up did he just,... did he just check me out???

"Haha busted" Says the tall guy besides him while he hands both of us a napkin.

"Thank you" I say to him because I am a polite person, clearly something he can't understand.

"Don't worry he did it the first time we met too" The well-mannered guy says to me.

"I'm Q by the way" he introduces himself to me.

"Lana, nice to meet you" I say back to him.

During the time that I was introducing myself to Q I see Kitty marching towards us and she does not look happy like I thought she would. Something has happened.

"Woah, woah there, what's wrong" I ask her but the dumb guy behind me decides to talk instead of her.

" This girl treats Korean guys like Pokémon.
She's trying to catch them all. Not interested."

"Ohh please get over yourself" I cut him off. But  seriously though get over yourself dude.

"Kitty, what happened" I asked her all  concerned.

" Wait you're Kitty, as in Kitty Song Covey  " Q asks behind me. Can they stop interrupting me, I hate it when people do that.

"Wait are you Q? Track star, fellow American,
heart of gold?" Wait how does she know who he is again? I'm confused here.

"Guilty as charged. I feel like we should hug right now. Should we?"

"Maybe later. I need to find Dae." So she hasn't seen him yet, or has she?

"So you are Dae's pen pal" An agitating voice behind me speaks. AGAIN.

"If he's Q, then you must be Min Ho. Of course you are" Kitty says while making a weird face at him.  So that's this spoiled rich kids name then.

"Kitty, quick question, how do you them again. A little reminder"

"Oh, they're Dae's friends, who I need to find him cause he owns me a huge explanation."
Oh that makes sense now, of course, DUHH.

"Wait what explanation?" I cluelessly ask. What am I missing here?

"Dae cheated on me" Kitty tells me.

"HE DID WHAT???" I yell at this point and the whole place goes quite.

"He did what" I say now, lowering my voice to my normal state.

"You heard her, our boy upgraded from his pen pal" Min Ho says to me with a proud look on his face.

"Would you shut up" I respond to his rude comment looking him dead in the eye. He looks shocked as fuck. Not my problem.

"Are you sure he cheated?" I ask again just to be sure.

"Yes. And guess who is he dating?" How am I supposed to know, I know no one here.

"My mom, i don't know girl tell me"

"It's Yuri" Kitty tells me.

"YURI" I yell again. I need to control that don't I.

" I suggest you lower your voice your drawing to much attention towards me" Min Ho responds to my outburst.

"You have free will tou know , you can leave" how do people put up with his ego.

"Wait,, wait Kitty where you going" but as she leaves I spot Yuri and a guy who I assume is Dae. Shit is, about to go down.

I can't tell from here what is happening but this girl has her own show going on, there all cameras all around her taking a million pictures in a second of what I assume "the new couple". Kitty must be feeling horrible after this, I mean the girl flew to a whole different continent for hi- and without even having the time to finish my thought Kitty goes crashing into the cupcake tower. OUCHHH.

"What you've never seen a girl fall over a tower of cupcakes before. Nothing to see here people."
Kitty yells on the verge of crying as she runs to get away from here as soon as possible. So I decide to run after her cause her boyfriend apparently doesn't budge to do so.

"Kitty wait..." but it's useless she's already disappeared. I think she needs some time alone to cool off, I mean I would if I was in her position. I'll check on her tomorrow, and I'd better go back to my doorm, I haven't been this exhausted in so long.

××××××××××××××                       ×××××××××××××××

Hello lovelies I am back with another update. Finally.

But what do we think, got some interaction going on between our babies, and I can't wait to write more.
I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did writing it. See you in the next chapter.

xoxo <3

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