The coming orut off closet

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After we dipsoded of shaders body we was wakin around a perk. Knudles and meh we holding hands, Amy ran at us ans was leik "you giys are hodling hands???! R U dating???" I smile undesandingluy to kerdles. "It's time for meh nd kuddles two come out of the closet." I says smiling. "We is dairying."

amu looks at us suspicusly. Then she wonked at us! "So nic told me to come and get you! We r goin on a 2date!!!!"
(Putin in me OTP SONAMY 4EVAH) me eyes aprleds woth happyness. I kiised knubbles on the rips and we walk to restraunt.

We are at a fncy restrant now and I can smsll good food. I stat to droooool. It smell yummy. "Ami this as such a goof ideas" she smell at me."bestses in town!" She says wonking.
I googles at her and asked where sonic were."i dont no. He is usually the 1st one hur!! I'll call him. She pull out her fone and calls her bf.
"Hero?? Sonic are you they're?" She sya in worry voice. She hear an evil largh insteed. She let out a gas and lok atme! "Melon! I here and evil lagh! I dnt think sonic is their!!" Kwukles and me gaspped becusae tihs waz bad!!!
"We gots to doo somethsng!!" Qnuckels shouted.
I noded and shook me head. "Ur rite!
We left the restrant without paying becusae were supper bad! We run down the street of our city and look for r fuand. "Amy" I yull. "Can you find him?"
"Noo!" She shoots at me. She cryn. "I just dant lnow where hecould be..." She fell two the grond and strt cryn.
I rushin to her sied and tourcn her sholder. "We will find im." I says squazing her shulder.
"But I wnt himnow!!" She yell an pucnh the ground so hard that it craks! Her tears landing on the grond make a splooshing noise. I novice her pain nd hug jer!! "It will be OK amy." I says urging her cloose. "I have got uo."
She look up at me tear eeud. Then she KISSS MEEEE!!! (!WHAAAAAAAAAAAATAAAAAAAAAAT!!!!!!?)
My yse widned in shok "Anu? Why did u do that? IM ALREADY WITH NUCLES AND UALREADY KNO THAT!!!!!!" Iwasso mad! She loerked up at meh with saddest eyes. "I-Im sory." She say shyly. "I cournlt contl meself." I blershed and nood me head. "I understdn."
"It's jst whnever Sonip is here he alwasy kiss meto make me feel bettr!" She explamed to me. I node again and oat her he'd. "We ll fin sonric." I says sticking up me thumbv.
Kupples runs to fern me ands Amy. "I were loojing for you too!" He explamed lodly. He grbas me hand nd hewlpi me up. I feelns guirtl. I want two twll him wha me dod. But I csnt.


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