Meeting me secret loves friends!!.

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Knuckles and me held hands as we walk to his friends house. But I tripped on a rick!!! He caguths me and we are starin at each other's faces. He blushes and I Blushes.

"R you ok?" He ask me with concern on his face?

"Yes" I replied still hkushing.

He smile at me "good because we are here he say as he point his his friends house. We walk to the door and a blue hedghorg answer and It was SONIC! Everyone know who sonic is! He is the hero of our city!

"Hi there!" He wonks and shakes my hand.

"Hi I'm melon hte hedgehogg. I got the name because im a really bright green hedgehog and my family really smell like fruit so that's why my name is that." I smile.

Sonic bluoshed when I loked into my beautiful pink eyes. He couldn't stop syatring!! Knuckles saw and got mad.
"Don't look at he!" Kunkles scromed. He punched sonic but sonic moved brfor kuckles could pinch gim.
"GGRRRR" knuckles said under his brtsh.
We walked in to sonics aphosu and it was blu. He had a table and it was blu with a plate that was blu and blu curtains.
"I see you like blu" I said looking at him wonking.
"Yeah" he bloudhed and scrthced his hed awkrardly.
Kunkles wa getting mad again.
"S-so" sonic said looking it me beautfiul ponk eyes. "THATS IT!!" Kuckles got mad and atTACKED SOONIC!!!!
He swung his muscles spike fist at souncs head but the blu blur moves before it could it him.
"Gotta go fast!" Sonic srd and he wondked at knuckles.
"GRRRRRERRRRRRR" kuckles shouted lodly.
I started to cry because they were fighting! They both stopped to hold my inn the e eksm arms.
"It's okay melon!" Knuckles said as he Msodhte stroked me quols.
"We was only playing!" Sonic said as he strked me back.
"NO!!!!!" I shouted and pushed them both ifiof. "We arre. Faunds! We mart supposed so fight!!!" I run out crying a lot and I tripped on a rick. I moan nd tyr to stand up. But doctor eggman had come out OF NOWHERE ANT STEEPPED ON ME!!
"You tar coming with me!" He laughed evli.
I fainted.

To be continue............ (OMMMMFGGGGGG)
Thansk 4 reading mah story ;) it's gettin intende!!!

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