Chapter 15
I woke up somewhere I didn't know 2I wakeup in a plush gren feild and I fel like I'm part of the grass cuz it green like I am and so I blend in with it. In distance I see a village (camera zoom) with peole wakin around it. I got up an wak their real speed walk. I am their now ans looking at trh building. They so Asia! I say at the chinese building. I ame contusde as I walk round unknown place. The people were wearin weird chines robs and I thoth they should swear clothing iwore like my black dressage and corset becuze those were much bettr. I looe at the plepeles feet and they weaging weid wood stuff.i don't like it. They should be wearing black boot with spiks onit like me. "Prep" I say anger under e breatg. I is walking then suddnly bIG CREEPY MAN JUMP OUT ME!!!! I step bac scred. Ahhhhhhhhh" I screm! Suddinly out from were that man came was an ninja!! He has splky blac heur ans dark eyballs of orbs. I am ne love!! So emo I thanking to meself
He stard down at Melon and he thinking tha she really attrictive. He blutch and hold out his hand for me to shake it because that's wht firendly pleple doo. I shak it and bkush. "I am Sasuke" he sat towards me. I still holfing his hand and blushing a lit b cause he is so hot and emo!! Suddnely teh big guy punCHED HE!!!!!! Sasuke went fly ans I say "HEY DPNT HURT HIM!!!!" I jump ands ounch him in the nose. He cryin!!! I largh at he an kcik him in stomach. He bloordy now. "Don't toerch him ever again!!!" I says "k" he crys.
Saskeu get up from grond and look ar me. He stares for minute at me because I just savd him and he was shoked! "Wow thanks.... ???" He didnt kno my name.
I look at him two and say it. "Melon. Melon hte hedghog"
"Than you melon.' He don't smile cose he emo ans grab my hand. And shark it. I am blush becaose he is so tractione!
He then piCK MY OP BRIDAL STILES AND CARRY ME!!!! I am blushin harder nown!!!!! "I want u to meet mye friends" he say at me.I start to thinkthen. Is he the Knusopls of thsi univeres?? Everyting at happned in my workd is haping here too!!! I save him from bad guy and now he taking me to meat his firnds!! This so cool cuz it like I'm in to wordls riht now!
Later we at an orange hoise wit chinse chraters on it. "Wat?" I say. He opens de door ans we walkng in. It an orange ninjae wit yelow hair. "Hey!!!!!!!" He says loud!!!!! Wow he loud an rood.... I thonk to me.Saske let ot smalest of smies at his weid friend. "Melon, thif is my frind Nartuto" he poijt at his frien who is smilin a lot. "Hi!" I say cute anf he ran to me!!!! And helf me hans. "You prety!!!" He surk. Licing he lips. Sasukw grew anger a little an pull he awau fram me.
I starting to see more similarties! Sasuke was prtective of me! I was so confusd. Narutowas vety loud and annoying kind of lik sonic! "I wonder we're the sahder is?" I'm thonking. Sudnly out if nowhear an even emo guy cum!!!! "Me Gaara" he sayin. Whao he cute. Naruti and Sasuke-cunt get ready four battle!!
"He murs be shadow of this word" I thinl to myswlf. He wear lot of black and hred and he don't smile lots and he look super emo lik I am! He must be shadu. I find mylsed staring athim in his directin and I start blushng. Now there are too emo peope in this world!!! Also sasuki. I am feling hrony rn cauas there so many emo here. They now fihgning. And I watch as they hit each tohr and Gaara-San threw sand at sasukee. Sasuk sCREAM IN PAON.
Snad geting is all eyes and Nartuto-senapi and saskue-sepnai have to turbo it out because it stings a lot and they screamign! Garaa look very mad rhen he does it!! He grabes my hand!! Sakue look madder noe and watch as it get pulled away by agara. When we outsode of the house he make big hole in grond and take me under it.....
TBc OMG GUYS THIS WAZ SU FWUIKN ECXIT!!!!! Than for srtaying tuned no also check out me nw fanfic about Hary style!!!! HE SO HOT TWO
A True Love Story
FanficWhen Melon the. Hedgehog meets Kuncls, her whole world changes!!