Chapter 3

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Killer was least expecting that headbutt that you pulled by the last minute. He can feel his head pounding at the inflicted pain causing him to groan, no one has ever done that to him except you. And to survive a direct attack to the gut from him and losing so much blood, you should've been dead by now.

But you aren't.

His captain witnessed the battle and his loss from you, as much as it had hurt his pride of being beaten, he can't help but be curious about you. You aren't all human to say the least, able to heal grave wounds after the battle while remaining unconscious. He would've deduced it as a work of your devil fruit but he can't confirm it until he sees it, you didn't even show any powers during the fight to almost take down that theory. Instead of throwing you at the ocean to drown, the redhead captain finds you interesting enough to be brought to his ship, currently resting in the captain's quarters for the redhead's demand.

Men who aren't injured had found a way to move your sword without touching it. Making direct contact with it makes the sword unmovable so by wrapping it in several layers of cloths, they were able to move it before going over and burning your sailboat down.

It won't be long before you wake up. Tho intrigued by you, he can't rub off the feeling of defeat. He wants to fight you again as soon as possible. He may not look like it with his helmet but he holds his pride high, he wasn't made as the right hand of his captain for nothing.

While deep in thought, Killer subconsciously began making his way towards the room you are currently resting in. Grabbing hold of the doorknob, he slowly and carefully turned it open, the door soon silently cracking open allowing him to peer inside, to sneak glances from your resting form again. Just like before, you are still deep asleep. But wait, something seems to have changed about you. What is it?

Opening the door more, he began to look more into the room for some changes until his eyes landed at some clothes at the floor. Those weren't his Captain's clothes, they're too small for his build.

Then it finally hit him.

As of now he has two things in mind, either his captain had his way with you while unconscious....

Or you sleep naked....

He decided to choose the second option.

Closing the door to let you rest more and give you... Ehem... Your privacy

He couldn't possibly have done something to you already during the course of your rest. But the clothes on the floor were evidenced already. But he wasn't there, he never saw him enter the room after you were put there.

Different thoughts began to fill his mind and before they could overtake him, he pushed those aside as the sound of his stomach grumbling. It only means one thing.

He's hungry and he needs food pronto. The sooner he fills his empty stomach, the sooner he can go back to thinking and perhaps a talk with Kid on what he plans to do with you.

Back to you...

Sleeping still, the snot bubble on your nose expands so much that it pops immediately waking you up from your sleep. Pushing yourself up on the bed, you took a fighting stance while your eyes groggily glared right in front of you. "Put 'em up, I'm not scared of you!" You yell. As soon as your (e/c) eyes are adjusted to your surroundings, you find yourself yelling over at nothing, challenging nothing but the air in front of you. Putting your hands back down on your sides, you awkwardly scratched your cheek before a cold wind hit your bare skin. Looking down did you realize just now that you're butt naked and standing in someone's bed.

'Oh my god... Did I just get rape?!' You internally yell before reaching down and begin shamelessly feeling yourself for any sense of violation. "Nope, still a virgin." You concluded and hopped down the bed, a finger now resting on your chin. "Maybe I unconsciously remove them during my sleep? Yeah no doubt about it, it's that." You answered your own question before picking up your clothes on the floor but as you do, you realize most of your clothing is unsalvageable after that fight. "Damn it... And I like that shirt too." You mutter with a pout, lifting the bloody and sliced shirt up then throwing it aimlessly in the room. "At least the short is still usable. And panties too." Despite wearing those two articles of clothing, you are still basically naked from waist up. 'Maybe I can find something... Aha!' You lifted up a large maroon shirt. Not minding the size, you slip your hands over the sleeves and button the shirt up. 'Hmm maybe too much...' You unbutton a few over your chest, revealing a good amount of skin then below. Taking a good look at it, you still felt like something was missing. With a quick look at your surroundings, your hand immediately snatched three large belts just hanging by the cabinet door and wrapped it over your torso for a makeshift corset. "Okay, not bad not bad~" You hum to yourself as you look at the mirror attached to the cabinet door.

"Also..." You then turned your head, eyes landing at the figure by the door, his deep red hair catching your attention most. "It's bad to spy on a woman while she's changing, no?"

It wasn't long before dinner time hit. You are currently sitting at a table with Kid and his right hand Killer. Moving your pasta on a plate with a fork, you let out a sigh as you look at Killer. "Quit staring." You simply said but it seems those words simply flew over by his head as he kept staring at you. With that mask, it was quite difficult to know what was running in that head of his. "I'm surprised you're still alive after taking that hit." Kidd spoke out of nowhere, eyes locked onto your figure. Somehow you got a feeling that he's trying to intimidate you. "Is it a work of a devil fruit?" He presses, hands clasp in front of his mouth, if it wasn't obvious before that he's interested in you then it is now, and you got a feeling that he's planning something.

"Maybe, maybe not~" You replied, one truth and one lie, which one will he choose?

"Playing hard to get, eh?"

"Maybe, is it working?"

Kidd usually isn't someone who enjoys beating around the bush, but there's something about you that makes it an exception. You are an enigma, something he couldn't put his finger on. You can't die, that's one thing and there's this mysterious aura that surrounds you, like a puzzle waiting to be undone. With a laugh, those eyes settled at your figure once more before answering, "Yes."

"What do you plan now since I'm some sort of captive in your ship?" You asked. And it was an ironic one for someone in your position.

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