Chapter 1 - A Cloudy morning..

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Serenity woke up from her sleep.. She saw Melisa Infront of her face, which made her jumped and took her sheets off quickly.

Serenity panted softly, "What now. Melisa... Didn't I told you *Sighs* not to wake me up?"

Serenity had a soft lovely voice for a sunflower like her. Many plants adore her... She deserve the protection that she deserves.

Serenity had hazel eyes, freckles and lashes, she was a pretty flower with a sun-kissed face and a bow on top of her petals...

"Serenity?" Melisa Asked Serenity, "Can we go to the Park today?" Serenity looked at her with surprisal. "Melisa It might ran today look.. The sky."

Melisa sighed, "But about a hour, I'll check on my phone.." Melisa grabbed her phone out of her pink hoodie. Melisa showed Serenity her phone it was right Infront of her face, "Melisa can you please get this out my-

"I told you! It's not going to rain. It's just cloudy!" She shouted.

Serenity sighed, "Fine let's go.. If it rains, we run back home.."

Melisa giggled.

Few Hours Later (With Pea and Ryan

Pea was sitting outside of the doorstep, until Ryan came out. "Who you thinking about?" He asked. "None of your business'!"

Pea replied. Ryan replied back,

"Is it...


Pea shook his head and then look at him, "No, I don't like Melisa.. Why do you want to know?"

Ryan shrugged his shoulders, he looked at the ground slowly and picked up a flower for Serenity,

"When she gets back, I'll give her this.." He said.

"Serenity don't like you anymore so I don't get the point why you want her still.." He pointed out.

Ryan growled.

"Well we'll see about that. I know she still likes me!" He growled.

"Serenity hates you, remember what you done?" He reminded him. Ryan sighed and looked at Pea with that death eye stare.

Ryan turned around and he walked back into the house.

"Oh hey Serenity..." Pea said, smiling. He could feel his face red, He just hope he wasn't blushing that would make it obvious that he likes her.

"Hey Pea.." She waved, "What's up?"

Pea replied, "Nothing much.. where you have been?"

"I was at the park with Melisa my sister." She replied smiling. Peter nodded his head, "Oh alright..."

Serenity walked inside the house with Melisa.

Pea smiled delightfully, as he stood up to go talk to Mila. (Mystic flower

"Oh um.... Ryan.... long time no see.." Chuckled Serenity nervously.

"Well Serenity here look what I've got you.." Ryan blushed.

Serenity smiled, "Oh Ryan your sweet, but I really don't want to be together again I'm *Sighs* sorry." Serenity took the flower from Ryan.

Ryan walked closer to Serenity slowly. He was blushing so was Serenity..

"Ryan back away please... What's going on..?" Serenity nervously said.

Ryan pushed Serenity on the floor.

"Hey! Ryan what are you doing!" She yelled.

"Quiet down! Your going to get me caught!" He whispered loudly.

Serenity let out a heavy sigh, "Ryan can you get off me... please?" Serenity sat up, she looked outside of the window.. She saw rain.

"Melisa.... She lied!" Serenity whispered.

Serenity got up and she started running towards the front door. Melisa walked towards the front door and she opened it, she bumped into Serenity.

"Ouch... Melisa..." Grunted Serenity.

"Sorry sis.. Need a hand?" She replied.

Serenity nodded her head and she smiled. Pea blushed a light red as he looked at Serenity's lips.

"Melisa it's raining hard out there.. Did you look at the weather carefully?" Serenity panted.

"Yes, Yes I did! I wasn't expecting this Serenity..." She replied.

"Well it isn't your fault..." Serenity sighed, "Sorry for accusing you for not knowing.." She chuckled. "I'll forgive you! I'm not mad at you after all!"

She delightfully said.

Melisa hugged Serenity. Serenity hugged Melisa back with a smile..

"I'll get my umbrella... I'll go outside for some air..." Serenity smiled, She grabbed her umbrella and she sat at the entrance at the door... looking a bit

stressed out..

"Its pretty hard to decide... Should I pick Pea or Ryan..." She panted.

She understand what Ryan done to her... Pea must been perfect for her... Although...

He had a deepest secret...

Serenity had a frown on her face with her eyes wide... She sighed and closed her eyes.

"Pea must be perfect than Ryan.." She quietly muttered..


Thanks for reading my story so far! Chapter 2 will be out soon as possible.. ^^

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