Chapter 4 - On there Way...

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Serenity fell asleep on Pea's shoulder. Melisa was talking with Suri, She was a Shadow flower. Melisa's best friend! Suri looked at Pea and Serenity sleeping with each other. Suri smiled, she had the idea. She's going to take a picture and show them when they wake up. What a great plan!

"Suri? What are you going to use to take a picture- Oh..." Melisa's face was red.

"I'll use my phone! I'll sent this to my sister Viviana, She's a vampire flower!"

Suri smiled, and chuckled. She looked at Melisa, Melisa didn't know what else to expect. Except a picture, Pea might think the picture idea was Melisa's and he will beat her.. He didn't like people teasing him saying that he "Likes Serenity.."

"No Suri... Please don't show Viviana!" Yelled Melisa, "Pea will think it's me.."

Suri looked at her and she did a face palm. "Come on Melisa, Be for real.. Do you have your phone right now?"

Melisa nodded, "It's in my backpack.."

"Oh SOOO Just say it was me.. He won't get mad at you? Am I'm right?" Suri asked.

Melisa shrugged her shoulders, "I don't know, I guess.."

Suri smiled, She took the picture..

Ching.. (The sound of Suri's camera made that noise..)

"Oh no..." Melisa said in shock...

"Perfect, You like it!" Suri yelled, As she looked at the Picture on her phone, She showed Melisa.

"It's c-cute..." Melisa stammered.

Suri smiled making that "UwU" face, she thought she was the better one than Viviana. She thought she was popular and pretty.. Which was true.

"Suri?" Melisa asked, "Why you act like your so Popular and Pretty?"

Suri chuckled, "I really don't know, you tell me.."

Melisa smiled nervously, she was sweating while her yellow face was red.

She giggled, "This is such a Bus ride..."

Suri and Melisa giggled as they were near to the beach.

They were on there way to there. Although.. Zombies could come any day now...

Pretty Scary..

All the plants hope no zombies are coming, they don't want to fight zombies..

Especially on there break..

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2023 ⏰

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