Chapter 3 - Leaving Memories Behind..

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"Serenity? Are you okay.." Ryan asked. Serenity nodded her head, Melisa walked towards her and she smiled. Serenity smiled leaning her head on Pea's shoulder. Pea smiled happily and he blushed at Serenity. "I'll be right back Serenity, I'll use the restroom real quick." Ryan said as he dashed away. Serenity had her curious hazel eyes facing Ryan as he dashed away. Pea looked at in the far distance, seeing the pouring rain.

"Serenity it's raining lightly.." Pea whispered. As he looked at Serenity's lips, Serenity was looking at pea's mouth, I really want to kiss Serenity, But.... I can't blow it.. On the other hand Serenity was thinking the same.

Pea walked up to her and he put his pea pods on Serenity's chin. She blushed a light red, so did Pea, Serenity smiled.

Just as soon, Dave busted the door wide open. There was a 2 buses right Infront of the yard.

Serenity and Pea stopped there moment and they quickly turned, they were teriffed.

"Woah... Pea... and Serenity.. what the hay?" Dave chuckled. Serenity face turned red, so did Pea. They were embarrassed.

"Please don't tell no plant please!" Serenity shrieked with nervously in her voice..

Dave nodded in surprised.

The plants all walked up to the bus, There was a lot of exciting chattering and mumbling. Serenity sighed as she walked up to the stairs up to the bus.. Melisa looked at her curiously, so did Pea. Was she okay?

Ryan walked up the bus, he looked at Melisa and winked, Melisa looked at him with a gentle smile. He smiled back, Pea looked at Serenity who was walking in the back of the bus with all the plants almost there. There was barley even any plants in the front! Besides, Serenity wants radio control. Who doesn't?

Serenity sat in her seat and she clipped her seatbelt. She sighed heavily. The loud chattering and mumbling made Serenity nervous.

What if the zombies come? And they ruin everything!

Serenity had her plushie Stuffy Flower, her name was Fluffy. She had the plushie ever since her mother passed and she moved away from Japan, with Melisa. Leaving every memory behind in there house.. Far away from Japan..

The fun fact was.. Serenity and Melisa was the only flowers who knew Japanese! They both learned it when they were in 1st grade or kindergarten, Or probably from their Mother..

There father was French.. Serenity didn't really like him, except Melisa.

She misses him so much, He died as well like Mother.

Mother and Father died in a car crash, on there way back to home from work..

"Hey Serenity..." Pea said, "Are you okay?"

Serenity looked up at him, she shook her head.

"No Pea... I'm not okay.." Serenity sadly replied.

"Why?" He questioned, "What's going on?"

Serenity thought he would laugh at her because she had no parent's. She was just a 12 year old flower, with no Mom or Dad.

Which was heartbreaking to Serenity, and Melisa.

"You promise... to keep this as a secret?" Serenity whispered, "This stays between us... Melisa and I actually experience this..."

Pea nodded, "I'm a great promise keeper!" He whispered.

"So... I have no parent's! They just died.." She whispered.

" I wish I was you... with your little sister and family..." She whispered sadly.

"Serenity... Listen to me.." He told her, "Open up those gates... Where your heart is... and just be yourself..."

Serenity smiled, and hugged him, "Your the best!"

Pea smiled, he wanted to hug her forever.. Serenity giggled, the bus started moving.

On there way to the trip..

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