New Zealand ☆ 2017

142 5 6

Elton lets out another soft sigh, and his head falls back against the headrest.

He's driving an RV from Auckland to Rotorua. The other boys decided that they would take a nap while Elton drove, which Elton doesn't mind, but he just wishes he could have a break from driving during the trip.
He takes in short breath between his nose, having a quick look out the window to his right. He watches the oncoming traffic, and laughs softly as he sees just how opposite everything really is across the planet.


Corey's raspy voice snaps Elton back to life, and he takes a quick glance over his shoulder.

"Hi," he responds as the younger slides into the passenger seat. Corey runs his fingers through his hair and takes a short look out the window before turning to face Elton. "How are you feeling?" Corey asks, "Sorry that I left you alone up here, I just couldn't keep my eyes open. Plus it felt more rude to sleep right next to you,"

Elton chuckled, "I don't care, sleep where you want," before sending Corey a small smile, "It's alright now that you're here, though,"

Corey grins before he licks his lips and bites them gently, "Only alright?" he asks softly.

"Yeah, well," Elton sighs, letting his head drop to the side slightly, "I'm just sitting here, bored out of my mind, driving for two hours and I've still got another one to go,"
He's obviously tired, and Corey still feels a little bad about making him drive.

A wide, mischievous grin spread across Corey's face as an idea pops into his head.

As Elton frowns and continues to stare ahead, Corey leans closer towards him before saying, "I have a way to make it feel better for you,"
Elton takes a quick look over at Corey with a raised eyebrow, before glancing back at the road. "Oh, really?" is all he says. There's a small smile spreading across his lips.
Corey hums, reaches out, and pulls Elton's armrest up. The older then gulps as he feels Corey's hand continue over and slowly rub against his thigh.

Elton quickly figures out what Corey's idea is, and the smile drops from his face. He's suddenly well aware of how busy the road around them is, and can only hope the RV is tall enough that nobody can see them.

Corey's staring at Elton, waiting for any sort of reaction. But the older is too focused on the road, trying his best to not let his eyes fall shut as Corey begins to let pleasure soak into his body.
"Corey," he whispers, blinking as he stares ahead, "I swear to God-"

He cuts himself off as the younger squeezes the skin on the inside of his thigh gently.
As Corey reaches onto Elton's lap, he knows the gap between the seats is too wide. He slowly slides off of the seat and gets onto his knees, pressing his stomach to the edge of the seat and Elton's thigh. "What?" Corey smiles, reaching back into the older man's shorts and rubbing his hand over the bulge in his underwear, "You don't like this?"
Elton drops his left hand from the steering wheel, making it easier for the younger to continue touching him. He places his hand on the back of Corey's head, petting his hair and picking at the elastic band that's keeping his hair pulled into a man bun.

"It's not that I don't like it," Elton mutters, "it's just a bit risky because we're surrounded by traffic and there are two other men asleep behind us. Plus, now you don't have a seatbelt on, so, it'll get pretty embarrassing when we get pulled over,"

Corey can't help himself as he begins to giggle, now reaching his hand under Elton's boxers. "You love being risky," he continues, "you like getting fucked and screaming about it while all our roommates are home,"
He pulls Elton's cock out from his shorts, watching as the older puffs out his chest and holds in a deep breath. Elton's dick twitches softly against his palm, and Corey can see it getting harder as he slowly strokes his thumb along the tip.

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