Japan ☆ 2017

247 5 13

Elton should have known better than to make a bet he had a high chance of losing.

"Whoever loses has to wear their costume for the rest of the day," Elton had laughed while the rest of the group blushed at him.

And he did lose, because who else could possibly lose at their own ridiculous bet besides Elton Castee?
His initial laughter hadn't seemed so warranted as he stood outside of the costume store, practically glaring at his three friends who continued to taunt him. Elton can't even blame them, however, because he'd do the exact same thing if any of them looked as ridiculous as he did.

"Pink is a great colour on you," Jay says as he holds the camera in Elton's face.
He's blushing, and who wouldn't be? He's standing on the street wearing a bright pink Princess Peach costume. There were no other sizes available, so Elton had gotten himself stuck with one that was just a little too small, and he could feel a breeze blowing up the back of the dress.
Elton rolls his eyes and tries to play along. Before he can say anything, Corey reaches forward and holds his head.
"You're not a princess without your crown," Corey scolds playfully, slipping the golden, plastic crown onto Elton's head and making sure the elastic is under his chin. The brunette takes a step back and a mischievous smirk is spread across his lips. "Much better," he says quietly as he puts his hands on his hips.

Looking back now, even if one of the others had lost, none of them looked nearly as ridiculous as Elton had. Especially not when he had to spend the rest of the night in costume.

"I cannot wait to take this stupid thing off me,"

Now, Elton's charging into his and Corey's hotel room, pulling at his crown and throwing it onto the floor. Corey tries to hide the frown as he follows behind him, shutting the door gently.
Elton bends over to untie his shoes, and Corey gets a short glimpse at the man's black boxers as his shorts hang a little too low, and he can feel his heart beating faster.

"Wait," Corey says, sliding the backpack off of his shoulders and kicking his sneakers off, "you're not taking it off yet, are you?,"

Elton stands up back and kicks his shoes off in a messy pile. His eyebrows are scrunched together as he watches Corey take a seat on the end of their bed.

"Yeah?" The older grumbles, attempting to reach behind himself to find the zipper, "What does it look like I'm doing?"

Corey hums, and his eyes trace up and down Elton's body. The older struggles, and eventually drops his hands, unable to undress himself. Corey doesn't even want to help him.
"I thought the deal was you had to spend all night with it on?" Corey says while Elton turns to give him a small pout, "From what I see, you still have an hour left,"
Elton folds his arms over his chest. The pout sours and Elton raises an eyebrow, almost in disbelief at what Corey's saying. The brunette can't help but keep a smug smirk on his lips, because he knows he's right.
"I'm taking it off," Elton says, "I spent all day getting whistled at on the street, I deserve to ditch this thing an hour early,"

As he goes to turn around, Corey grabs his wrist. He doesn't squeeze, but he holds Elton firmly enough for the older man to stay in place, turning over his shoulder to look back down at his boyfriend.

"Elton," Corey licks his lips, "I've spent all day looking at you in that dress. All day, I've been patiently waiting until we got back to this room and I could have you to myself,"

Elton's heart is pounding in his chest, and Corey's gotten to a point of obvious excitement.

"You're keeping the dress on," Corey sits up a little straighter as Elton takes a step closer to him, "A deal is a deal,"
The room goes silent for a second. Aside from the sound of the air conditioner running and the bustle of the city they're surrounded by, all Elton can hear is his heartbeat pounding.
Corey slowly lets go of his wrist, before leaning back and propping himself up on his elbows. It's become glaringly obvious why Corey cares so much about that bet from earlier. Despite the dose of humiliation that the costume has been giving him all day, Elton feels a bit intrigued to see what specifically Corey wants to do to him in the dress.

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