Thailand ★ 2017

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I'm going to be writing Corey into whatever TFIL trips I want, thank you very much.


The sun is almost completely set behind them, and the rest of their large group has found their way to their bedrooms, meaning their first day in Thailand is coming to an end.
This trip is a little different. Instead of a cheap hotel room or a shaky RV, Elton, and the group of people that's too large for him to count on both his hands, are staying in a villa. Music is playing from a bluetooth speaker that's been sitting abandoned on the pool deck for a while now. There's a beautiful view ahead of them, the trees part in order to give anybody sitting in or around the pool a clear view of the city at the bottom of the mountain they're staying on. And, as the rest of the group had slowly retreated to their rooms, and Elton and Corey fell into a peaceful, and almost private, setting, the mood had pretty much been made for them.

Unfortunately for Elton, however, his back is turned to the sunset and that gorgeous view he had been waiting for all night. He's backed up against the edge of the pool, while warm water laps up onto his stomach, and Corey is pressed up against him.

The brunette nips his teeth against the soft skin on Elton's neck, beginning his work on the third hickey he'll be plastering on the man's skin. The first was placed underneath Elton's ear, the second pokes out from his jaw, underneath his beard, and the third is being displayed very proudly on the side of Elton's neck, out in the open for all to see.
"You bite so much," Elton's giggling again, tugging softly on Corey's hair, "do you even know how many comments I get pointing out the hickies you leave on me?"

Corey smiles against Elton's collarbone before he stands up straight, putting his hands on the ledge of the pool again.
"I don't care," Corey bares his teeth at Elton, who giggles, "I like letting everybody know that you're all mine,"

Corey slowly brings his leg up and presses it between Elton's thighs. Sheepishly, the older whimpers and latches onto his boyfriend's shoulders. Corey chuckles before he ducks his head to begin kissing down the man's neck. He drags his teeth along the skin, sucking lightly between his kisses. He's quick to leave a red mark on Elton's collarbone, just as noticeable as the ones that trace down his neck, and he just knows Elton's going to be sick of the jokes their friends crack almost immediately.
Corey grinds himself onto Elton, the older beginning to pant as their hard dicks rub against each other through the barriers of their swimsuits. Elton lets his head fall back as the feeling of Corey's tongue slipping down his neck pulls a deep moan from his throat.

"Shit," Elton whines as he feels his dick twitch in his shorts, "I'm always yours,"

Corey smiles, pulling his head back to rest his forehead against Elton's.
He can feel the older man's warm breath on his lips as delicate whimpers escape from his mouth. Corey begins to thrust his hips a little faster, and is met with Elton bucking his hips back in response.
Then, unable to help himself, Corey presses his parted lips to Elton's, his tongue quickly being slid onto Elton's while they both begin to groan.

Elton wraps his hand around the back of Corey's head, running his fingers under the man's wet hairs, and holding his head into the crook of his neck. He can feel himself trembling already and there's a tight knot in his stomach. He moans into Corey's kiss, too tired to do anything but part his lips as Corey begins to suck his tongue.

"Corey," Elton gasps, unable to handle anything else, "oh fuck, Corey,"

Elton goes stiff as Corey continues to grind his hips onto his. He can feel his entire body flashing with heat as he ducks his head into Corey's shoulder, and he moans loud enough that he could probably be heard over their music.
Corey doesn't realize what's happening until Elton's entire body lurches softly, twitching as the older squeezes his arms around Corey's shoulders to keep himself upright.
"Wait," a smile spreads itself onto Corey's lips as he stops his movements, "are you serious?"

Elton can't respond, but his face goes bright red with embarrassment. He twitches again as he feels himself coming down from his high, and his body starts to get heavier and heavier. There's cum dripping from the tip of his dick, getting sticky and thick against his wet bathing suit.
Corey begins to laugh, but he holds Elton close as he goes limp against his chest, soothing the older man as he attempts to regain control of his body.

"Wow," Corey breathes with a small chuckle, "you're done before we even got through the foreplay?"

"Stop laughing," Elton whimpers as he attempts to catch his breath. Corey giggles again, feeling Elton lift a leg to hook it around Corey's calf. "I can't help it," the brunette is pressing a soft kiss to the side of Elton's head while his shoulders shake.

Elton grumbles something against Corey's skin before lifting his head. He earns a few kisses on the forehead before placing his hands on Corey's chest and pushing softly, standing himself back up and staring into his boyfriend's eyes.
"It's kind of cute," Corey continues, enjoying the sight of the blush that hasn't been able to leave Elton's face, "I didn't know I still excited you that much,"

Elton just rolls his eyes. He drops his hands to the front of Corey's trunks casually.
The younger still hasn't been able to pull his eyes away from Elton's face. They've only spent one day in the sun, but Corey's already starting to notice small freckles appearing on Elton's face, along with a small sunburn along the bridge of the man's nose because he never wears sunscreen.

"Maybe you don't, and it's just me being desperate after so much travelling," Elton's eyebrow raises and his hand slips into Corey's swimsuit, but the younger is shaking his head.

"No way," Corey breathes, "I could get you off with just a look,"

Elton bites down on his bottom lip and hums. He looks down, and finally, Corey's eyes follow. They both watch as Elton slowly strokes up and down Corey's cock. Corey puts his hands on his hips and groans, sucking in his cheeks to keep himself from making too much noise. There's a slow exhale that comes from the brunette's lips while he tips his head back. "Fuck," his voice is low and shaky, so Elton knows that Corey isn't far from his own orgasm. There's a heavy amount of precum leaking from Corey's almost-purple tip, and as water splashes between the two men, it runs down his tanned and slender shaft.

Elton leans forward and kisses Corey's cheek, feeling the younger place a hand on his arm to encourage him to stay close. Elton drags his lips down to Corey's jawline, sucking softly as a small trail of spit falls from his tongue.
Suddenly, Corey's dick twitches harshly in Elton's hand, and it sends the man stumbling forward. He moans and grabs hold of Elton's sides, attempting to steady himself as the older continues to tug on his cock without breaking rhythm.

"Alright?" Elton slurs, and Corey nods quickly. Elton stops his hand for a second, fingers wrapped around Corey's swollen head before he thumbs around the slit delicately.
This makes Corey lurch forward again, resting his weight on Elton's chest with a grunt. His fingernails dig into Elton's skin, making yet another group of bruises that will be painfully obvious for the rest of the trip.

Corey doesn't say anything before he finishes, simply gasping before the ribbons of cum are shot onto Elton's hand. He smiles, still holding the back of Corey's head and tucking him into the crook of his neck, feeling Corey moan and pant onto his bare skin. "I've got you," Elton says softly as he holds Corey's trembling body closer. The younger man's hands have slid down to cup around Elton's ass, inviting his hips to press forward and close the gap between them.
They both go silent as they finally catch their breath, fingers curling onto each other's skin as they're brought back down to Earth.

"Well," Elton breathes as Corey reaches down to pull his own shorts back up, "sorry you couldn't fuck me as planned,"

Corey shakes his head before he kisses Elton's collarbone. He stands up straight and puts his hands on Elton's back, and almost immediately, the other man's arms are sliding over his shoulders.

"I'll take you skinny dipping tomorrow," Corey mutters as Elton puts his forehead on the man's chest, "or I'll just fuck you in the shower in the morning,"

Elton smiles and begins to play with a curled, wet lock of Corey's hair that's fallen over his fingertips, as strong hands slowly rub his back. "Both sound pretty good to me," he whispers before he kisses Corey softly.

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