Australia ☆ 2018

125 3 0

"Corey," Elton's face was bright red as he tightened his grip on the handle of his suitcase, "we need to leave or else I'll be late for my flight,"

Corey was giggling, face buried in the crook of Elton's neck as he nipped another hickey onto his boyfriend's neck. "Just a second," he breathed softly, "I'm almost done with you,"

"I don't see why you have to do this," Elton grunted as he gripped at Corey's shirt. He couldn't help but wonder what any of their new neighbours think, seeing this display only a few months after they'd officially moved into their new townhouse.

"So that all the thirsty men that even try to come up to you know that you're not available for any 'down under' fun," Corey laughed as he finally pulled away, planting his lips on the side of Elton's face, "and so that people still talk about me, even if I'm not in the videos,"

Elton groaned and rolled his eyes, attempting to pull himself out of the grasp Corey still had him in.

"Let's go, seriously," Elton says, adjusting the straps of his backpack over his shoulders, "I'll give you some goodbye kisses once I know I'm not going to be late for the flight,"

"He must be part vampire," Heath continues to tease Elton as they stand in the hallway to their hotel room and the older struggles to unlock their hotel room, Corbin and Fitz chuckling as they walk into their room, "either that, or, he must hate you. Hey, I remember when we were living together, and I could always tell Corey spent the night because it looked like Dracula had attacked–"

"Okay, Heath!" Elton calls as he finally opens the door and quickly steps into the hotel room. He doesn't hold the door open, too preoccupied with trying to walk inside without passing out from sheer embarrassment. Heath continued to chuckle as he follows behind Elton and lets the door fall shut behind them.

The group had been teasing Elton all day, which had been expected, starting the second they had met him at the airport. It had continued, when he got glances from the airport employees, or from the flight attendants, or the person who checked them in at the front desk.
At this point, Elton was used to knowing people could see the havoc Corey often left on his body in bed, from roommates to comments on their videos.

But he wasn't used to people laughing at him because of it, seeing as they'd spent the past couple of months doing nothing but moving into their new townhouse, free from any of their friends, or more importantly, any roommates.

Elton throws his backpack onto the bed he wants, claiming the one closest to the window and air conditioning unit.

"Any plans for the night?" Heath asks, even though he's clearly getting ready to stay in, seeing as he kicks his shoes off and tosses his hat on his bed. Elton looks over at him and shakes his head, "Nothing that I have planned, but if any of you guys have anything in mind, go right ahead,"

Heath hums, "I'll probably just unpack and head over to hang out with Fitz and Corbin,"

They go quiet as they pull their suitcase up onto the end of the beds, no longer caring about if they're dirty or not, and start unzipping their bags to find a new pair of clothes to change out of. They're both exhausted from their flight.

When Elton unzips his suitcase, his eyes nearly pop out of his skull and he feels his heart drop.

A very purple dildo is sitting, still neatly packaged, on top of everything else he's packed, clearly stuffed there last minute without Elton ever realizing. There's a sticky note stuck to it, but, Elton doesn't have enough time to read it before he slams the suitcase shut again and takes a look over his shoulder.
Heath looks over at him and raises an eyebrow.

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