Entrance Exam - Season 1 - Chapter 5

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So question, I do (this) a lot to mention notes and things, would you guys prefer if I instead did it like this {1} and add a section at the bottom where the note goes for more organization, I'm gonna do it for this chapter to see how you guys like it.


MC POV (10 Months Later)

I gaze up at the yellow reinforced cement wall. Around me the whispers and yells of excited teens can be heard, the howls of excitement and murmuring of nervousness echoing in my ear as I steel myself. My eyes sharpen as I take a step forward. {1}

I'm wearing a black T-shirt, blue jeans, and a zip-up hoodie, thankfully there aren't any rules on clothing for the entrance exam as I would much rather just be comfortable than anything. (6)

Entering the Entrance Exam I find my seat and wait for everything to start.

--- (Mini Skip)

A man with blond slick backed, and raised hair walks on stage, a mini speaker set attached around his neck, along with glasses and headphones to match. He's wearing black leather fingerless gloves, a leather jacket with elbow guard and shoulder pads, black pants, and black boots.

"Welcome to today's live performance" the man yells loudly, seemingly not needing a mic to reach the whole room. "Everybody say 'Hey'!" {2}

...The entire room stays quiet, I almost feel bad for the guy... almost.

"Well that's cool my little listeners! I'm here to present the guidelines of your practical! Are you ready! YEAH!!" again silence.

In the practical exam, after students finish their written exam they will be thrown into one of seven mock battle arenas will they will then fight robots to get villain points for destroying a robot, the points dependent on the specific robot number, the only robot not giving any is robot 4.

The only other way to obtain points are the secret categories. First Hero Points, the points are given for saving others. There are also probably more that depends on the student. After all, they wouldn't let a student who could warp reality or nuke countries easily just walk away because they couldn't get the courage to destroy a simple robot.

Present Mic, as the hero's named, finishes explaining his version of the test as he is rudely interrupted by a talking boy with dark blue hair and red eyes. {3}

He states something about forgetting the zero pointers and the school's reputation before yelling at Izuku who's a couple of rows away.

'God, do you not know how to read? This is a test you aren't gonna be given the answers, and it's rude to yell at people who are murmuring out of anxiety, no one else seems bothered by it.' I stare at Ida from my seat, my head resting on my hand as I choose to ignore him instead of correct him.

Papers start being handed out, it seems I zoned out while complaining about my fellow future classmate.


MC POV {4}

Ground Beta, standing outside the closed gates I noticed a couple of people mainly Mina Ashido, Ojiro something, and the dethatching chick from 1-B (Setsuna Tokage).

I'm aware I'm probably gonna take someone from canon's place, from what I remember Ojiro and Lizard Lady aren't too important to the main overall world, should I focus on taking one of their positions or let it be up to fate?

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