Home <3

14 1 0

I arrived at home, 30 minutes late.

I opened the door carefully- hoping my mom wouldn't notice me.

"SAYA! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!?" My mom screamed as soon as I walked in the house

Shit. "Mom, sorry I wanted to finish my test." I hoped she would believe my terrible lie.

"Really? I called your teacher and she said that you weren't there."

Oh fuck. "Mom im sorry. It was raining piss hard and Lia was getting really wet, she asked me to stay with her."


"Off to your room. Now, Saya."
Oh well.

I walked upstairs to my room. I was about to turn the knob when I felt a tug at my skirt. I looked down and saw my little sister, Ayane. "Hey, Ayane." I smiled at her. She looked upset. "What happened? Are you alright?" I crouched down to her height.

"There were mean girls at school." She replied.

"What? What did they do!?" I was worried, I hoped she wasn't being bullied.

Ayane pointed to my eyebrow and under my eye. I realized she was talking about me.

"Oh! No no no dont worry Ayane. I just tripped over." I smiled at her. She was too sweet.

She looked at me and then gave me a hug.

"I'm sorry sissy"

"Its not your fault, don't worry Ayane."
She nodded and let go of me.

"I have to go now, love you." I gave her a kiss on her cheek and stood up properly. I gave her one last wave before I walked into my room.

I was so tired and fell asleep almost immediately.

I missed dinner but im sure mother didn't mind. Hopefully. I mean, she did send me to my room.

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