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As usual, I got up at 6 am and got ready for school later. I couldn't forget my books because I had an important test today. As I arrived at school I went to go and find my best friend. Luckily she wasn't far. "Hey Lia" I said. "Omg, hey!!!"
"How are you?" She asked me. "I'm fine. You?" "I'm alright thank you! Also guess what! Did you hear that Jacob and Sara broke up!? Wait we have a maths test today, oh my gosh I totally forgot!! How's your mom by the way??" Lia had a habit of changing the subject like that. I didnt mind it though. "Saya?" Lia asked. "Oh shit sorry.. uhh no I didn't even know they were together.. I thought you would've studied? And my mom is fine." She stared at me like I was insane.
"I need to go now Lia, sorry. I'm running late for class. I have a history test right now." She nodded and walked away.

I hated tests, they always stress students out so much- its so stupid. My teacher Mr Smith, handed me a test paper when I got to class. I skimmed the paper and froze in my steps, I hadn't studied ANY of this. I studied stuff that wasn't even on here! I felt like breaking down because I knew that I was going to fail. "Move it, loser!!" Clara screamed at me. She then proceeded to push me over. I was not expecting that so I fell flat on my face. Everything went blurry and my head was spinning. It felt like I had just had a bullet right through my head. I started drifting in and out of conscience. "What the hell, Clara!!!" I heard a loud slap. Someone started to lift me off the ground, They lifted my upper body up and started tapping my cheek lightly. "Saya!? Are you alright!? Please wake up!!" I fluttered my eyes open only to see  Huxley. Of course. I was to beat up to care though so I let her lift me up and take me to the nurse. I guess we're both failing this test then. Finally my head stopped spinning and I passed out.

I fluttered my eyes open slowly. Where was I? I looked around and my gaze landed on Aria. I was confused where I was and what she was doing here. Why did I think of her first name? Huxley. Get that in your head, Saya. Huxley finally noticed my gaze on her. "Oh my gosh! Saya! Are you okay!?" She practically jumped out of her seat. "Yeah... where am I?" I asked. My eyes roaming the room. "The nurse, Clara pushed you over and you face planted onto the floor.." she made a grimacing face. "That bitch..." I mumbled. "Couldn't agree with you more. I dont get her problem" she replied. I didnt realize she heard me but oh well. "So.. how long have I been out?" Aria looked up at the clock. "Couple hours." She responded. I went to rub my face in frustration when I felt a sharp pain just above my eyebrow. I let out a whimper in pain. Aria looked at me with a worried face. "I'm sorry, by the way. Mr Smith said that we both would get a fail, Clara told him that you were the one who just fell over. She said that he should fail us because its your fault. Which it isnt by the way.." oh. She had failed this test just so she could be with me? That didn't seem right. She wouldn't do that for me. "Why are you here? Did the nurse make you stay?" I asked. She looked out the window. God, she was beautiful. She looked at me and smiled. "No, I just wanted to stay with you." Why would she do that? "Why?" I asked Aria. "Cause, you didn't deserve that. Plus, you look cute when you sleep." She winked at me. I looked anywhere but her. She couldn't see my face like this. I probably looked like a tomato!! "Thanks.. I guess" i avoided eye contact with her still.

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