1 | our story begins .

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i don't remember anything.
how did it get to this, and why..

i found myself bleeding in the middle of nowhere filled with monsters ripping up my body emotionally, i was suffering both physically and mentally.

is this the punishment i receive from the aeons?

as my vision is getting more blurry, i catch a glimpse of purple hair.
right before i collapse i can feel someone staring at me, it felt quite comforting, yet dangerous.



"Do you know what happened to him?" i ask silverwolf while leaning on the table the mysterious male is placed on.

"my system can't detect anything other than the wounds, Kafka." Silverwolf responds scoffing.

"yeah yeah, i know." i say letting out a small laugh.

"if he survives you could manipulate him into joining the stellaron hunters you know." Silverwolf speaks as cold as ever.

"Why? am i really that boring to work with?" I say obviously trying to annoy silverwolf .

Silverwolf turns around and lets out a small sigh.

i turned my head to face the male.

Strangely there was something attaching me to this guy. i don't know what it is but, he seems like he really needs help, i mean besides the blood he's covered in obviously..

"Hey Kafka, Elio just called me in for a mission, make sure to take care of the guy while im gone.
says Silverwolf while messaging someone on her device.

"Don't worry, its not like i will kill him, besides im the one who brought him in!" i say suspiciously.

it only took a blink for Silverwolf to not be here anymore, she moves so quickly.

I let out a sigh . "what am i going to do with you?" i say while smiling not expecting a response from the guy with dark blue hair and red tips.

an hour passes and silverwolf has yet not returned, im beginning to wonder if it really was a mission from Elio shes on..

while thinking about silverwolfs whereabouts i notice red crimson eyes looking at me.

"Why hello there."i say to the now awaken male.


"refusing to speak now are we?" i let out a friendly smile

"who ... are you." the mysterious guy says confused

"why aren't you a curious one! i'm Kafka, what's your name?" i say comfortably sitting in a chair.

Not expecting an answer i stand up and go to get some water for the guest.


should i trust this person? i think to myself.
maybe she's the one who imprisoned these demons inside me...

but, i've got bandages on.. could it be she that saved me? .

id probably be dead by now if it wasn't for whoever helped me.

the girl comes back holding a glass of water

"You don't look too good, have a sip." she says calmly.

why should i trust a stranger who just happened to appear infront of me for no reason, for all i know this could be poisoned..

"i see, you're quite smart for an injured person." she giggles quietly and takes a sip out of the water.

"see? would i drink it if it was poisoned" she smiles at me and signals for me to take the cup.

Its like she's reading my mind, its creepy...

I take the cup and drink it, it really isn't poisoned..

"you know we technically just shared an indirect kiss!" She says in a proud voice

what the fuck. What kind of sick person would think about that right now.

i turn my head away from her and think for myself..

What's gonna happen now?

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