006. all my friends are stalkers

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Chapter Six
All My Friends Are Stalkers.

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After a full year, Viola Beckham was to reunite with her ex - boyfriend, after the pain she had endured following their devastating break up.

It wasn't his fault of course, neither was it hers, but that didn't change the way her emotional stability peaked over the following months after it.

As she applied her lipgloss, all the thoughts surrounded her brain, all cramped together it felt like it was to explode.

Why did Bukayo want to meet up after so long? Why did he want to reach out now and not the weeks after their breakup? What did he have to tell her? Why did she accept so casually?

Yet it was only the last one that stuck to her.

Even a year later, it felt to her as if she had no sense of control, straight away jumping at the chance of meeting up with her ex, her ex of all people!

She so vividly remembered telling everyone she wouldn't let her delusions get the better of her, and here she was, getting ready to see the guy who once made her so happy, as well as left her raw from the ache of her heart.

"I still can't believe you're doing this," Farrah sighed in disbelief, "like I get you broke up because of his mental health, but he just dumped you! By text! With just no warning, and now you're ready to see him?"

"I'm just meeting up with him, maybe I dunno, we could be friends or something like that," Viola shrugged, too consumed by the matter of getting things over and done with.

"I feel like a mother sending her child off for the first day of school," Juliette stated as she painted her nails, Farrah laughing in agreement.

"For real, and Viola's supposed to be the mother hen of the clan,"

"Hey, I just do stupid things in a spur of a moment situation, it's just the motive that counts."

"Yeah the motive to get back together with your ex," Juliette scoffed.

"Can we stop dissing my lovelife? Thank you," the girl huffed as she let out her blonde hair.

"No, remember that fling you had with that Jacob Sartorius guy, yeah," Farrah reminded her, and in retaliation, the Beckham girl chucked a cushion at her friend whilst Juliette sat laughing at the whole thing.

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rhodes hateclub 🗣️‼️🔥

i'm scared for her.

what if she forgot everything
we told her

ill cey

nah i'm genuinely scared.
if she's the slightest bit shaken
im gonna hunt him down

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