009. word of advice

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Chapter Nine
Word Of Advice

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Viola sat biting her nails as she came up with a script of what to ask Bukayo. It felt stupid, and she finally understood why it took authors forever to write the sequel to a story.

Despite her friends advice, none of it seemed to fit the puzzle. None of it seemed like it could work with him, and that's what messed with her brain.

Not even Wikihow could fix her state of mind; she was left having to use the useless plan C that was her brain.

The words hey stared back at her from her notes app until she was certain she had spelt it wrong. Her mind was blank, and absolutely nothing could sort her situation out.

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mumsies 💝

Would you like to go eat out at to a restaurant? Xxx


Where me and Dad are staying,
there's this absolutely gorgeous restaurant, it's stunning Xx

I think we should have more Mother-daughter days, it feels like
forever since the last one Xx

true, you're not wrong

And my senses are telling me you're
having a crisis

that's crazy because i feel fine 🤔

You can tell your friends that
but it doesn't work on your mum xx

yikes 😟

Anyways are you free? Xxx

what's the address?

I'll see you there!! Xxx

so just you?

Yes, Dad has meeting Xxx

alright i'll see you there

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Being the daughter of a style icon came with it's pros, one of which was no matter how ugly the outfit was, the media will still enjoy it.

Only, outfits were like sandwiches; they only looked nice if the pieces complemented with each other and not creating one massive mess.

To the surprise of absolutely nobody, Viola could see her mother clear in sight; it was in typical Victoria Beckham style to turn up early to events.

Viola gave a small wave as she took a seat opposite her mother in an Al Fresco restaurant, as her mother gave her simple smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26 ⏰

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