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I was walking to school, it was close to my house and I didn't bother asking my daddy to drive me to school if he didn't need to. He was a busy man, tired and stressed. He didn't need to worry for me if there was no reason. Besides he always drove me back just incase. The greasers at this school weren't much nicer then the Soc's, we all hated eachother without reason. And there was no trying to change that. You sat at a different social levels tables and then you got weird looks from everyone.

Once I arrived at school I saw a group of girls call me over. "Bae!" They called out to me. I never minded the nick names from friends, especially when they were my close group. "Comeing Courtney!" I hurried over the best I could, running in heels wasn't the best way to go but it was a way to show you had money, and Soc's loved to show that off.

"Bailey I heard Chris wanted to ask you out." She grabbed my arm and shook me a bit in excitement. I never really understood why girls were so involved in other girls love life, but when it came down to it, they were being supportive of me. It was nice to have them around. "Christopher?" I said, walking up the stairs along side of the group, and entered the school doors. "No, Chris Wilson, the quarterback for the school's football team." I shook my head at her. "No, Steve Randle is the football teams Quarterback." Courtney opened her locker next to me and peeked her eyes from the side once I mentioned Steve. "Ew, that Greaser kid? No, I think he plays a different part. He may not even be on the football team because of the boys on that team, pretty much everyone on there is a Soc." I opened my locker as well, and placed my binder in it. I wouldn't need it until science class so there's no need to carry it around.

"You gonna say yes?" She closed her locker and leaned up against it, waiting for my answer. "To what? Chris? Y'know he only wants me cuz I'm blonde." She looked me up and down, giggling. "Courtney what's wrong with you?" I shut my locker and shook my head, letting out a sarcastic smile. "You know that's not the only thing boys like you for, right Bae?" She eyed my chest and let out a cat call whistle. "Oh cut it out court!" I giggled at her joke, but she wasn't wrong. High-school boys don't want you for anything else but how big your bottom or chest area is. And if you weighed more then a pound then that would be the end for your social life.

"C'mon, let's hang In the field before first period. I wanna check out the boys." She winked at me and grabbed my hand, dragging me along as we chatted on our way there. Me and Courtney were the closest in our group. The others girls were fun to be around, but we're only really there for their own amusement. It was a big circle, we could start are own gang if we wanted..of course I'm only kidding, but there were a large amount of us. Any girl who was friendly and a Soc was in there mostly.

Once we got out to the back field we sat on the very top of one of the bleachers. And talked about whatever. Most the time it was Courtney talking about who is who, and who said this, and why they did. I would talk along with her, my reactions matching the mood of what had just been projected out to me. "But Penny lied about how her and Megan's boyfriend kissed and-" a boy sat next to us at that second. A greaser boy. He sat on the other side of me, puffing on his cigarette. "You know him?" She whispered, but loud enough for him to hear. "No..?" I looked back at him for a second to get a good look at him. He had a cold glare in his eyes, and it was clear that he was trouble. Courtney looked across me to stare at him. "What do you need grease?" I laughed Slightly and smacked her arm playfully. "Courtney!" I smiled widely, and looked back over to the boy. "Is this not a public place? I just want some peace man." He moved around his cigarette with every word. It was clear he was teasing us, he only wanted a reaction and I know Courtney new as well. "Come on Bae.." she got up before the boy opened his mouth. "Is that your name? Bae?" He smirked at me before he placed his cigarette back in his mouth. "No it's Bailey." I shook my head at him, standing up as well. "Where ya girls goin'? I mean no harm man." Courtney rolled her eyes at him and sat back down where she was, and so did I. "We aren't men, stop using that dirty hood language on us." It was clear that the reason Courtney sat back down was because she didn't wanna give up are spot, not that easy. Besides she had her eyes one of the football boys.

"Ok then what should I call you then hun." He stretched his arms out and placed one around me, giving a teasing smirk. "You don't have to call us anything Greaser." She Scooted Over a bit so I could move away from him. I flicked his arm off of me before moving closer to Courtney, and the boy only scooted closer as I did. "No need to be so rude, all I did was ask for your names." I turned my head away from him, but he just kept getting in my face. "Well you aren't getting our names so you can beat it hood!" I spat out at him. I don't enjoy purposely saying something that's ment to hurt someone. But I knew that this wouldn't hurt this boys feelings, if anything I made things worse on my part. "Its Dallas." He said as he leaned into me, his nose practically touching my cheek before a sudden ring came along. It was the bell, and first period was going to start in 5 minutes. I pushed him away, and muttered under my breath. He only laughed and placed his feet up on a lower bleacher. Me and Courtney got up and off the bench and headed to class."Come on Bailey ill walk you to class." No wonder Soc's and Greasers were on different Social levels.

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