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Yujin yawned as she scrolled through Twitter during her shift at the store. Within three hours of working tonight, a maximum of seven clients showed up at her workplace, which is quite strange and unusual. Although, it could be because it was cold today, so probably most people would rather be at home than going outside.

She had an hour left on her shift, so she put the phone down and kept staring at the watch in front of her, praying that time would pass quickly. Soon after, Yujin heard someone enter the shop, so she looked towards the front door and saw her friends. The girl smiled widely and waved at them.

"Yo, how's your evening going?" Doyun asked as he and Jiah approached the counter behind which their best friend was sitting.

"Boring and slow, if I'm honest. Not many people came shopping today. Luckily I'm only working four hours today so I'll be done soon. What are you guys doing here?"

"You see, we were hungry and since I live nearby, Doyun and I thought we'd come to our favorite friend who will let us get something for free." Jiah said, and Doyun nodded vigorously in confirmation of the girl's words.

"Favorite friend, huh? Wait until I tell Nari about this," The trio laughed at the thought of how Nari would react upon hearing this. "But go ahead, I'll pay for you."

"This is why you're the best, Kim Yujin!" Doyun said and disappeared with Jiah in search of some snacks. Yujin smiled to herself as she waited for her friends, who appeared after a while with food and chatted for a while, mainly about their university.

The girl looked at the watch again, seeing her shift would end in about 20 minutes, so her co-worker should be arriving any minute and Yujin would finally be able to go home.

It was already dark outside when Yujin left her job, but that wasn't surprising since it was already a few minutes after 10 pm.

The girl was lost in thought, so she didn't even notice that the keys to her house had fallen out of her jacket pocket, until she felt someone grab her arm. Startled, she turned back and saw a man in a mask and cap.

"I'm sorry if I scared you, I didn't mean it. I just wanted to give you back your keys, they fell out of your pocket." He stated, giving her back what she had lost.

"Oh, it's fine and thank you!" The girl turned away from the boy with the intention of leaving, but he spoke again and she looked at him whether she wanted to or not.

"What were you thinking that you didn't even hear those keys fall to the ground? Oh, of course you don't have to tell me about it if it's private, I was just curious." He chuckled nervously.

"Honestly, I was just thinking about my university, that's all."

"So you're a student! What's your major?"

"Well it's literature, I really like it and it's interesting. No offense, but may I ask why do you want to know this? I have no idea who you are." She replied, wanting the stranger to leave her alone.

"Oh right, I'm sorry if I came off as a nosy person. Well uh, we can get to know each other! I'm Haechan, what's your name?" The boy ran his hand through his hair and the girl thought he seemed familiar to her for some reason, but tired quickly pushed those thoughts away.

"I'm Yujin, nice to meet you. I'm sorry Haechan, but I want to go home now, it's night and I'm kinda cold." She told him, hoping the boy wouldn't think she was being rude. He was about to answer her, but then his phone rang. So Yujin bowed and started walking away, and Haechan looked at the phone to see who was calling him.

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