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Yujin sat nervously at her desk, her heart pounding in her chest. She couldn't believe that this was it — the final exam of her as the literature major. The past four years had flown by, and now everything came down to this moment.

As she looked around the exam room, she saw her classmates being equally anxious and determined. The tension in the air was palpable, but Yujin tried to stay focused. Taking a deep breath, she picked up her pen and looked at the exam paper in front of her.

The questions were hard, but she had prepared for this. She had spent countless hours studying, analyzing texts - especially in the last two days. Now, it was time to put all that knowledge to the test.

Yujin's mind raced as she carefully worked out her answers. She relied on her understanding of various literary movements, authors and their works.

Time seemed to both fly and stand still as Yujin delved deeper into her answers. She lost track of the outside world, completely absorbed in the world of literature. Stress and pressure disappeared, replaced with a sense of purpose and fulfillment.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Yujin finished her last question. She let out a sigh of relief, a mixture of exhaustion and satisfaction. She had done her best and now it was up to the professor to evaluate her work.

Leaving the exam room, Yujin couldn't help but reflect on her journey as a literature major. It wasn't always easy, but her passion and love for literature kept her going.

As she was leaving the university building, she noticed that Nari and Jiah were waiting for her outside.

"I can't believe we've already written our final exam and we're having a graduation ceremony in a few days. Like that's actually insane, it's the end of hell!" Jiah said as she linked her hands with Nari and Yujin.

"Right? I'm so happy," the oldest of them said as they walked towards her car. "Okay so should I drop you off somewhere or are we going to Lotte World?" Nari opened the car and looked at the girls expectantly.

"Lotte World, but we should go to my place and change into some more comfortable clothes, we're the same size so you can easily fit into mine if you want?" Yujin offered and the girls agreed.

Yujin, Nari, and Jiah eagerly stepped into Lotte World, their eyes widening with excitement as they took in the happy atmosphere. The sound of laughter and the smell of cotton candy filled the air.

"Where should we go first?" Yujin asked, her voice filled with excitement.

Nari, with a mischievous grin, pointed to the towering roller coaster in the distance. "Let's go for the biggest one first! It'll be a cool way to kick off our day!"

"Fine, let's do it! But promise me you won't let go of my hand," Jiah hesitantly said, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. Yujin just smiled at her friends.

With their hearts pounding, they climbed aboard the roller coaster, their screams of exhilaration echoing through the air as they zoomed through loops and turns. The adrenaline rush took their breath away, but they just wanted more.

As they made their way to the next ride, Yujin spotted a carousel nearby. "Let's take a break from the biggest and scariest things and let's just ride on the carousel."

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