twenty one

753 27 13




uh well
could you come to our dorm?
our spare key should be somewhere
under the doormat
hyuck will be there soon too
he's in the hospital

what do u mean he's
in the hospital?
what happened?

he got sudden pain in his shoulder
and back
it was difficult for him to move
but it's the weekend
as far as i know he'll receive closer
medical examination on monday:/

oh my god
thank u for letting me know
i'm omw to ur dorm

my favorite shop boy🐻

hyuck, are u okay?
i'm coming over
i'm worried
i love you:(
delivered 3:47pm

i'm close
are you in the dorm yet?
delivered 4:17pm

Yujin entered the apartment and looked around. It was quiet and empty, so she realized that Donghyuck was still in the hospital.

She was worried about him. How overworked did he have to be to have difficulty moving around? She hated that the company didn't give him time to rest, he always had work to do.

She realized he might be hungry when he gets back soon so she thought of what she could make him eat. She wanted to make something he likes so she decided to make kimchi jjigae.

So she got to work, humming Yoghurt Shake to herself. While the dish was cooking and she was sitting on the couch scrolling through Twitter, seeing a lot of panicked tweets about Haechan, she heard someone come inside with a groan.

She quickly stood up and walked towards the sound, seeing her boyfriend. He was surprised by her presence.

"Yujin? What are you doing here?" he asked, his voice was soft. He walked closer to hug her. She smelled like vanilla, which he liked very much.

"Renjun texted me, are you okay?"

He nodded. "I'm as okay as I can be. Well, my body hurts a little, but definitely less than when I went to the hospital."

He took her hand and they went to the living room together, sitting next to each other on the couch.

"What is that smell? Are you cooking something?"

"Yeah," she nodded. "I decided to make a kimchi jjigae for you to make you feel better. It should be ready soon."

"Awww!" he grabbed her cheeks like old ladies and grandmothers do when they see little children. "Aren't you so cute? My cute girlfriend cooking for me to make me feel better." he gave her a quick kiss and ruffled her hair.

"You're so weird." she laughed and went to the kitchen.

The dish was already ready, so Yujin put everything on plates and took it to the living room, where she noticed Donghyuck looking for a movie on Netflix.

amare ✧ lee haechanWhere stories live. Discover now