twenty two

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"What do you mean you're going back to promoting tomorrow?" Yujin said, not believing her boyfriend's words.

"Yeah," he said, playing with Seji on the couch. "According to the doctors, I can come back to performing, so SM wants me to promote the album with other Dreamies as soon as possible."

"I still think you should be able to rest more. I'm worried about you." she whined, hugging him.

He chuckled softly and played with her hair. "I know, my love. But I promise you that you don't have to worry, yeah? I'll be okay. Besides, our promotions will end soon anyway." she nodded, looking up at him. He put her cat on the floor and looked into his girlfriend's eyes. "Now, give me a kiss? Please?"

"Hmm, I don't know if you deserve a kiss." she teased him, trying hard not to kiss him right now because he genuinely looked so damn good tonight.

"What? Why not?" he whined and she only shrugged her shoulders. "You're so mean. So rude!"

She decided to just stick her tongue out at him, not wanting to answer because she had no good excuse. Yujin just wanted to tease him and see what he would do. That's all.

So Donghyuck decided to take matters into his own hands and leaned down, stopping millimeters from her lips, making her hold her breath.

His gaze traveled from her eyes to her lips, taking in her beautiful face, causing Yujin to blush, eagerly anticipating the touch of his lips on hers.

He looked into her eyes one more time as if to ask for her permission, and when she didn't protest, he leaned in closer until their lips finally met.

His soft lips moved gently and she just knew he was holding back. And she didn't want him to, so Yujin just pulled his hair the way he loved and kissed him harder.

He understood what she wanted immediately, tightening his hold. It quickly turned into a battle for dominance, their lips pressing even harder against each other.

Yujin didn't want to give in easily. She pushed back, trying to assert herself in the kiss. Donghyuck, however, wasn't one to back down. His hands moved from her waist to her hips as he deepened the kiss, his lips wanting more.

She wanted to stay in control, but his persistence was strong. Eventually, she gave in, allowing him to take over.

Haechan's kiss changed, becoming more passionate. His grip on her hips tightened, his tongue gently brushing her lips. Yujin hesitated for a moment, not knowing how to react.

He wanted to take it further, and Yujin decided to let him, feeling that her face was completely red. She parted her lips, giving him access.

Their tongues met and it sent shivers down her spine. It was surprisingly pleasant. She never did anything like that, even with her ex-boyfriend. And from what she understood from their conversation about love a while ago, she's his first girlfriend, so how did he know how to be so good at it? Where did he learn it? Or maybe he just had a talent for kissing?

Haechan's tongue explored her mouth, their kiss becoming more intense and she just fully enjoyed it: both the kiss and his dominance.

Their kiss continued, becoming more intense by the second, both of them blushing. Haechan gently pulled Yujin closer, his arms wrapping around her waist. He guided her to sit on his lap, their bodies pressed together.

Yujin straddled him, keeping her legs on either side of his hips. Something in the air shifted, and their lips were still pressed together. They couldn't get enough of each other.

Haechan's hands roamed her body, sending shivers down her spine, his touch both gentle and possessive. Yujin's fingers tangled in his hair, tugging at it and pulling him closer as their tongues continued to explore each other's mouths.

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