01. Pilot

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As Dean packed his bag, he asked, "Are your shoes on, Phoebe?"

Phoebe nodded as a frown crossed her face. "Can't tie."

He gave her a small smile. "Let's tie 'em together then."

He walked over to her and helped her tie her shoes.

Phoebe smiled. "Fank you,. Where we going?"

Dean ruffled her hair. "We're gonna get someone very special and then we're going to do my job."

"What dob?"

"A job where I save people."

Phoebe smiled and nodded, running out to the Impala with a scream and yelled, "Zoom!"

Dean chuckled softly as he buckled Phoebe in her car seat.

When they reached their destination, Dean smiled at his sleeping daughter, got out, and opened a window and snuck into an apartment.

Dean clinked the beer cabinet. He walked past the string at the far end of the hall. He hit his hip and let out a quiet hiss.

Sam, who had been woken up, moved to another part of the apartment and waited as Dean entered the room.

Sam lunged forward and grabbed Dean's shoulder. Dean knocked Sam's arm away and aimed a strike at Sam, who ducked. Dean grabbed Sam's arm, swung him around, and shoved him back. Sam kicked and was blocked before being pushed into another room. Sam got a glimpse of Dean, though he didn't immediately recognize the fact. Dean elbowed Sam in the face and Sam kicked at his head. Dean ducked and swung, but Sam blocked him. Dean knocked Sam down and pinned him to the floor, one hand at Sam's neck and the other holding Sam's wrist.

"Whoa, easy tiger," Dean said.

Sam breathed hard. "Dean?" His eldest brother laughed. "You scared the crap out of me!"

"That's 'cause you're out of practice."

Sam grabbed Dean's hand and yanked, slamming his heel into Dean's back and Dean to the floor.

"Or not," Dean said.

Sam tapped Dean twice where he had him.

"Get off of me," Dean demanded.

Sam rolled to his feet and pulled Dean up. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"Well I was looking for a beer."

Sam looked at him as Dean put his hands on Sam's shoulders, shook once, and let go.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Sam repeated.

Dean said, "Okay. All right. We gotta talk."

"Uh, the phone?"

"If I'd'a called, would you have picked up?"

Jessica turned the light on. She was in pink short shorts and a gray cropped Smurfs shirt.

"Sam?" Jess called.

The brothers turned their heads in unison.

"Jess," Sam noted. "Hey. Dean, this is my girlfriend, Jessica."

Dean looked at Jess appreciatively.

Realization dawned on Jess' face. "Wait, your brother Dean?" She smiled and nodded.

Dean grinned and stepped closer. "Oh, I love the Smurfs. You know, I gotta tell you. You are completely out of my brother's league."

"Just let me put something on," Jess replied uncomfortably as she turned to leave.

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